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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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Malawi Cichlids & Tanganyikan Cichlids
 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE LAST STOCK AVAILABLE : Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER ...06/03/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...06/03/25

1. wanted colourful malawi cichlids : Hi, I am looking for some more colourful milawis to join the group I have. Most of mine are blue so any other colours will be welcome, can collect in hertfordshire, buckinghamshire ... 10/01/11
2. Malawi young for sale : Hi, i have the following Malawi young for sale. Yellow labs PS Solousi Lombordoi Trewevasse PS Acei Ngara Electric Blue Zebra PS Kingtop Sizei Size ranges between half ... 10/01/11
3. demasoni : hi, i would like to buy some demasoni and preferably collect them. Anywhere in the north west would be great. Call me on 07883487776 09/01/11
4. mbuna for sale job lot : Breaking up my tank and have listed my fish as a job lot on ebay .Starting at 99p with no reserve. 09/01/11
5. 10x Yellow Labs Wanted min size 4cm : i need 10 yellow labs at least 4CM... i am based in north london n19 area, will collect if not too far thank you. 08/01/11
6. Copadichromis Azureus Nkhomo Reef F1 : Stunning Cops just coming into colour picture of adult is my wild caught male who i bred these fish from 1.5inch - 2inch £4.00 each 2.5inch - 3inch £6.00 each 08/01/11
7. neolamprologus meeli : meeli breeding trio with fry £20. 07/01/11
8. Malawis for sale Dundee Scotland : Lake Malawi: 5cm Pseudotropheus elongatus "chewere" group 4 males 3 females £25 for the group. Collection from Dundee only. 07/01/11
9. Hemichromis Fasciatus : Hemichromis Fasciatus young now 2" free free free please collect Forest Gate East London 07956931519 (try number again) DOES'NT ANYONE READ THESE ADDS please don't leave it ... 06/01/11
10. Malawi Cichlid clearance : 50 pound the lot. 2x Sciaenochromis fryeri 3.5 inches (6x juveniles approx 2 inch) 2x protomeles fenestratus 4-5 inches 4x aulonocara OB 2.5-3.5 inches 2x aulonocara tangeri ... 06/01/11
11. Wanted please , Malawi Cichlids, South Wales : I have recently set up my tank ready for Malawi Cichlids so I am now looking for some free or cheap Malawi's to put in there. I am willing to buy fry or young adults. I live in Ebb ... 04/01/11
12. Free PUNDAMILIA NYEREREI - 3cm juvenile female : I recently sold all my cichlids but found a 3cm female PUNDAMILIA NYEREREI in the internal filter when emptying it ouy. She is in good condition. I live n Northwood, which is next ... 04/01/11
13. convicts for sale : Hi i have around forty convict cichlids for sale. They are three months old and vary in size from 2" to 4". In the pictures you will see their dad, he is not for sale but ... 03/01/11
14. cichlids wanted in leeds area : cichlids wanted in leeds willing to travel in leeds area thanks for looking 03/01/11
15. male frontosa wanted : frontosa wanted in leeds willing to travel to collect within yorkshire 03/01/11
16. Tropheus Bemba REDS : HAVE 30+ RED BEMBAS RANGING FROM 5 MONTH OLD TO 3 WEEKS. PRICE RANGE FROM £5 TO £10 EACH. PLEASE CONTACT 01915693032 OR 07796606173 03/01/11
17. Wanted - Female Blue Cobalts (Callainos) : I'm looking for some female callainos or a group of young to grow on. I would need the seller to be located in N. Ireland or be able to post the fish. Thanks 01/01/11
18. WANTED LARGE MALE frontosa or blue dolphin. : hi im after a large male about 6inchs in ether. will travel with in reason. im in lincolnshire. please someone help. going to good home. email with details and price please 01/01/11
19. CICHLID BREEDING PROJECT - SOLD, SOLD. Fish have been picked up : My amateur breeding project has grown too big as the fish are breeding too well. I no longer have the time thus I am selling everything- There are 2 TANKS with all the necessary ... 31/12/10
20. hongi fry : hi i have some hongi fry for sale they are between 1 / 2 cm long and are very healthy feeding well there are about 40+ left £1 each may swap for other malawis 30/12/10
21. bristlenose fry : hi i have 60 bristlenose fry for sale they are about 1.5/2cm long and are very healthy also feeding very well on crushed cat fish pellets and cucumber collection only £1 eac ... 30/12/10
22. Hap nubilis : I have a wild caught breeding trio of hap nubilis they wont stop breeding i have both females holding and 1 just started letting the little swimmers go to many to count i do have 6 ... 30/12/10
23. breeding group of 12 frontosa mpimbwe frontosa for sale also have a 7x2x2.5 full ... : i have a breeidng group of 12 frontosa mpimbwe for sake5 males the rest females 4 males are 12" plus... also have the tnak tey are kept in for sale its 7x2x2.5 and a stunning ... 29/12/10
24. wanted fimale zaire purple blue frontosa : im loocking for a female for my lonely male zaire fontosa any size. please text on 07521755177. im in London n16 28/12/10
25. 2 cichlids must go : hi i have 2 malawi cichlids that i have had for a few years now however i no longer have space for them due to my tanks being marine now so i was looking to get rid of them asap. t ... 27/12/10
26. Tropheus duboisi or tropheus ikola : Has anyone got a group of 10 to 12 Tropheus duboisi or Tropheus ikola for sale to add to my existing group would prefer sizes up to 3 inches.Will pay good money for right fish. cas ... 26/12/10
27. malawi fish for sale scotland : dialeptos elongatus mpanga these fish are 2in the parents are fish bought from tony £2.50 per fish 23/12/10
28. Hap nubilis : Hi i have hap nubilis fry for sale they are 5 week old in a seperate tank on their own and getting gud colour and markings 07706356678 20/12/10
29. Breeding Pairs/Trios Wanted Northern Ireland CASH WAITING : Hi, Im looking for Malawi/Tang Breeding pair/trios or other in Northern Ireland. Iam willing to travel just about anywhere in province to collect.Im near ANTRIM. Many thanks Jo ... 18/12/10
30. synodontis multipunctatus : Adult synodontis multipunctatus catfish for sale £15. 18/12/10
31. Ocean(White) rock available, £1.50a kilo, have around 20 kilos, £25 for the lo ... : Hi as stated I have bought too much ocean rock than needed for my tank, I have around 20 kilos which I will sell at £1.50 a kilo, it is mainly small pieces but there is one very l ... 17/12/10
32. Wanted Female Long pelvic : Female Long pelvic's Cash waiting 17/12/10
33. Any conciderd : Hi i just set up a tanganyikan tank and wanting sum interesting colourfull fish please contact me thanks 07706356678 Lee 14/12/10
35. Cypholtilapia Frontosa : I have a group of 9 F1 Zaire Blue Kapampa Frontosa for sale ranging in size from 9" to 5". I'm looking for £450 for the group, collection only from Denbigh, North Wales 13/12/10
36. Mawali Chichlid Babies For Sale (Coventry,West Midlands) : I Have Loads Of Baby Malawi Chichlids For Sale £1.00 Each Or Discount For Multiple Fish. There Silver With Orange Fins, Beautiful But Sadly I Have Too Many As My Fish Keep Breedin ... 11/12/10
37. wanted/young malawi,s : hi kept malawi cichlids 10 years ago looking to start up again. can anyone help within the dumbartonshire area or within 30 mile radius thanks for looking /cash waiting for the pro ... 09/12/10
38. adult w/c and f1 frontosa mpimbwe breeding group for sale in south wales : i have a lovely group of mpimbwe adults for sale the group consists of 4r males all around about the 12" mark and 7-8 females all but 1 of the females have laid eggs for me... ... 07/12/10
39. breeding group of lab carulius : i have a breeding group of 8 there maybe 9 4 females just released fry 2m 6f also 2 young so 10 in total looking for £35 or swap for haps or px open to offers or a trio of ... 06/12/10
40. Malawi Cichlids For Sale : 15 Malawi Cichlids for sale. £45 for the lot. 14 adults including breeding females. Between 3.5 - 4 inches Ocean rock also available. Can send better pictures via email. Need ... 06/12/10
41. Rare Wilds for sale - Metriaclima Membe Deep, Zebra Maisoni, Cynotilapia Mbamba ... : Decided to sell up as im moving to study soon. All pictures and Videos are of the actual fish for sale. 4 X Cynotilapia Mbamba Nkhata Bay (Breeding have 20 F1 Juvies) 2M 2F @ 4" ... 06/12/10
42. Looking for Malawi Breeders in South London : I am looking to purchase about 20 Malawi fry in London if you have any available please contact me. Thanks! 05/12/10
43. selling my fish due to only keeping malawi... : 2 x tropheus miliro f1(breeding pair) approx 4-4.5" in size with excellent markings.£30 pair 5 x tropheus moori pemba approx 3.5-4" in size with v.good markings.£16 ... 02/12/10
44. Malawi cichlids wanted : malawi wanted wolverhampton area 29/11/10
45. Mbuna fry wanted : Looking for all types of mbuna fry and juv. Cash waiting 07917182059 29/11/10
46. Various Haps for sale : I' am looking to change my tank over to Tang's. For sale is a 5" plus Male Aulonocara OB with fantastic colouring £15 3" Male firefish £5 5" male Placidochromissp.'elect ... 28/11/10
47. WANTED. copadochromis chrysonotus : with reference to my add n0 47 Iam in fact after males, as already have 4 females. thank you Frank. W 28/11/10
48. Malawi cichlids for sale : Adults, subadults and juvies for sale. Greshaki, Estherae Red Zebras, Hongi Red Top, Afra White Top,£3 and £2 Aulornacara Rubin Red £15 pair and bristlenose plecs £3 27/11/10
49. WANTED copadichromis chrysonotus mumbo island : Has anyone got any of the above chrysonotus please,would be very interested in some. I am in Lincoln area 01522 828711. Email. frankyw13@hotmail.co.uk 27/11/10
50. frontosa for sale got 3 left 60 pound for all : For sale 3 frontosa gibbenrosa chichilds about 7inchs 60.00 for all 3 call 07773781314 25/11/10
51. Groups Wanted : I am looking to buy Groups of Malawi Mbuna. They dont have to be breeding groups. Thanks 25/11/10
52. Malawi Cichlids Friendly Community : Come and join our Malawi Cichlids community,we have friendly members who make you feel welcome and our forum is a place to learn not to be dictated too, the pictures are some of ou ... 25/11/10
53. Malawi Cichlids - Near Adershot/Guildford : I have a jewel Cichlid its killed everything but a few fish in my tank so ive decided to change my set up. Its stunning and the colours are amazing, ive has it since it was only a ... 25/11/10
54. Various Malawi cichlids for sale : I have a range of Malawis for sale, as below: Ice blue Pseudotropheus males & females, from 2-4", males showing great colours, price £4-8 dependent on size Yellow labs, from 1 ... 23/11/10
55. Free Aulonocara hybrids to good home : Hi all, I have a small tank with a number of (growing!) alounocara hybrids which I have no room for in my main tank. I'm looking for folks who have room for a few little ones in ... 23/11/10
56. Group of Johanni (potentail breeders) £20 : i have for sale a group of four johanni a male and three females they were bought from a fish shop to raise as a potentail breeding group however circumstances at home have forced ... 22/11/10
57. Around 6kg of ocean rock : Have about 6kg of ocean rock out of my Malawi tank and some other bits of rock. £7 pick up from selby 21/11/10
58. Neolamprologus brichardi wanted. HAMPSHIRE AREA : Hi I'm looking for either a breeding pair, or some Brichardi fry in or around the Hampshire area Please e-mail me at jetskidia@aol.com Thanks very much 19/11/10
59. Wanted tanganyikan cichlids : Hi im wanting to buy frontosa, calvus or any species to go with them i look forward to any help u can give i have a 4x3x3 to keep any fish u wud like to offer to sell me thanks guy ... 17/11/10
60. Tropical Fish Tank set-up for Sale - £95 ovno : Tropical Fish Tank for Sale - £95 ovno Tank 1 – Malawi Cichlid Set-up Aquel Fish Tank 32” x 16” x 15” Aqua one Aquis 700 external filter only 6 months old ... 17/11/10
61. Large group of Red Empress and Greshakei on ebay : I have a large group of young adult Red Empress and Adult Metriclima Greshakei on ebay.c0.uk along with a very large 80+ group of 6-12 month old Albino Kribs. Search by species na ... 15/11/10
62. PUNDAMILIA NYEREREI Python Island fry : PUNDAMILIA NYEREREI "Python Island" fry. A stunning Victorian cichlid. Very colourful and full of character. The Males have grown very big. Pictures are of the males. Fry cost ... 15/11/10
63. flowerhorn fish : Hi, has anyone got a female flowerhorn fish. I would prefer female however would consider male. thanks. 15/11/10
64. ophthalmotilapia ventralis sumbu F1 Male For Sale : For sale is an ophthalmotilapia ventralis sumbu F1 male good 5" Photo on request 15/11/10
65. Ikola sub adults for sale : 4 Ikola sub adults for sale. They are a about 2" in size. Two are larger than the other two, so I suspect that there are two males and two females. They really are great looking,ch ... 15/11/10
66. aulnocara firefish young 50p each : have for sale 2 batches of young off 2 separate females fish are 3/4" and i want 50 each space needed they are from quality fish from tony from bridlington 12/11/10
67. Aulonocara Sunset Peacocks & Cynotilapia Afra Mbenji : Hi, I am selling some of my Malawi's to help fund my hobby. I have for sale about 50 each of Aulonocara Sunset's and Cynotilapia Afra Mbenji, both F1's. They are well fed and gr ... 12/11/10
68. lab carulius young for sale £1.50 each or 10 for £10 : a young for sale about 1" in size £1.50 each or 10 for £10 cheers 11/11/10
69. WANTED: Wild or F1 Msobo Magunga male : Prefer wild but will also look at very good quality F1's. 11/11/10
70. WANTED Pundamilia Nyererei Mkobe : Looking for sexable Nyererei close to Nottingham. Anything from 2' to 4' considered 10/11/10
71. wanted any tropheus groups for sale yorkshire : im wanting a group of tropheus willing to pay money and travel for group in yorkshire 10/11/10
72. wanted : just set a tank up and need to fill,can collect. 08/11/10
73. WANTED: male venestus. Maximum of 4 inches : Hi, I am after a male venestus to go with my two females and hopefully put a smile on their faces, a maximum of 4" to avoid conflict with my larger cichlids. If you have one which ... 07/11/10
74. yellow lab fry : i have 7 fry at an inch left need tank space offers 07/11/10
75. Various Lake Malawi chiclids for sale from £5 : As I"m going over to marine I'm selling my Lake Malawi's I have about 8 of them including a adult featherfin catfish. Collection only from Derby 07/11/10

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