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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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Malawi Cichlids & Tanganyikan Cichlids
 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE LAST STOCK AVAILABLE : Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER ...07/03/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...07/03/25

2. malawis for sale, also rock eheim 2080 fish tank : selling approx 50 to 70 malawis + tanganyikans includes tropheus approx 30 red strip, bemba, yellow strip, others includes labs, mbuna, thats the only names i know most fully ... 04/11/10
3. Melanochromis maingano : F1 and growing like weeds @ 2.5cm + £2.50 each, 6 for £12.00. Next day delivery in Poly Box with heatpad and bag buddy £16.50 may also exchange for equipment, tanks WHY j ... 03/11/10
4. Gold software(solutions for gold merchants) : we are selling the software for gold merchants,it contains all feature for creating Company profile, client list, total accounting so ... 02/11/10
5. 5x frontosa fish for sale : hi, i have 5 frontosa, all feeding very well sizes between 3" - 6", offers welcome please cll 07929450511 trevor. based in greenwich se10. 02/11/10
6. Neolamprologus multifasciatus : Neolamprologus multifasciatus ( multies )for sale Breeding pairs available, please contact me for more info and prices. Daventry Northamptonshire 02/11/10
7. Cyprichromis for sale - pickup only : I have loads of Cyprichromis for sale if anyone wants some. Pick-up only from Daventry. mattdebouge@gmail.com 02/11/10
8. Tropheus ikola F1 for sale, 10 for £60 (new) : Hello, I have two groups of these fish 1-2inch, feeding well on spirulina flake. F1, from different parents. Group of 10 for £60 Pick up only from east london 01/11/10
9. frontosa mpimbwe fry for sale : i have around 15-20..2-3" mpimbwe fry for sale from w/c parents....looking to get 7.50 £ each for them but would do a deal for the lot..also i have around 40-50..1.5-2" ... 29/10/10
10. malawi assorted fish. 4 ft : i have a around 25 ish malawi fish for sale, i would like a change of set up so these fish are going, they have bred for me in the past and are all healthy and growing fine, im hav ... 28/10/10
12. malawi cichlids and ocean rock open to offers : Malawi cichlids F1 bought from calder vally koi about 3 months ago im turning my 4ft juwel aquarium into a marine tank so everything must go im not sure what fish are in ther ... 25/10/10
13. yellow peacocks and haps sp44s : lovely looking fish nice bright colours, sold in shops 4 £7.50 a fish will sell 5 for £15 need the tank they r in have loads and more in a growing tank. 24/10/10
14. stunning spilonatus mbenji island males : i have two sub adult spilonatus males for sale 4-5inch colouring up nicley 10 pounds each!!! 23/10/10
15. Wanted Otopharynx lithobates, good sized girls CH44, good sized girls : Hi all, i'm looking for Otopharynx lithobates, good sized girls! CH44, good sized girls! and a group of young Pseudotropheus demasoni and /or Pseudotropheus socolofi :Mbu ... 23/10/10
16. PAIR OF LOMBARDI : Pair of 3.5/4" Lombardi, stunning colours and only selling due to wanting to get aulonacara. £25 ono Wanting quick sell so no time wasters please. Having trouble uploading ... 22/10/10
17. MALAWIS FOR SALE OR SWAP - Leicestershire : I am thinning out my mixed Malawi tank and have the following fish for sale or swap. All are healthy and eating well. Please call me on 07713 652341 to let me know what you have ... 22/10/10
18. moorei ( blue dolphin) cichlids : moorei ready to go £2 each or £10 for 6.. 22/10/10
19. Wanted mbuna cichlids : Wanted mbuna cichlids within 30 mile radius of Llanelli. Must be nice fish young or adults considerd and must be reasonably priced. Kev 20/10/10
20. MALAWIS FOR SALE OR SWAP - LEICESTERSHIRE : I am thinning out my mixed Malawi tank and have the following fish for sale or swap. All are healthy and eating well. Please call me on 07713 652341 to let me know what you have ... 18/10/10
21. frontosa : hi all i have 2 large kipilli frontosa plus 1 multipunctatus would like 2 swap them 4 malawi cichlids i live near salisbury phone number 01980 623158 17/10/10
22. 4 foot tank, 2 filters and community of cichlids : Included in the sale: The Tank The Cabinet Light Heater Air Pump and Ornament Fluval U4 internal filter Aqua One aquis 1250 external filter 2 sacks of rock (about 50kg sh ... 13/10/10
23. frontosa mpimbwe fry for sale : i have around 22 2-3" frontosa mpimbwe blue fry for sale they are good quality fry looking to get 7.50£ each for them ive also got around 50 1.5-2" looking to get 6.00 e ... 13/10/10
24. Aulonacara Jacobfreibergi "ALBINO EUREKA REDS" : Does anyone have young of these available in the uk, if you have please send details and locality, i'm in the midlands and would prefer local pick up, but willing to travel for the ... 10/10/10
25. aulonocara beanshi benga : i like to bye some bigger the better but will have fry to thanks hope you can help 07979048150 or email i will travel 10/10/10
26. Aulonocara WANTED : I'm looking for groups, fry and young Aulonocara. 07917182059 08/10/10
27. Mbuna WANTED : I am currently looking for Mbuna fry and young. Or breeding groups. I am willing to buy in bulk at the right price. Shipping must be available, but willing to travel if pri ... 08/10/10
28. Malawi wanted : I am currently looking for Mbuna fry and young. I am willing to buy in bulk at the right price. Shipping must be available, but willing to travel if prices are right. Thank ... 08/10/10
29. MBUNA WANTED : I am currently looking for Mbuna fry and young. I am willing to buy in bulk at the right price. Shipping must be available, but willing to travel if prices are right. Thank ... 07/10/10
30. malawis in lanarkshire : cynotilapia gallireya reef 2 inch 4 pounds each or 6 for 20 pounds, lovely bright blue fish, also various other malawis welcome to come and see, phone 07505110050,, 06/10/10
31. Any Malawi cichlids wanted Norwich area : Hi, I'm looking for any types of Malawi's to buy in the Norfolk/Suffolk area. I had to sell my Malawi set up 3 years ago due to a seperation and would love to start again :D Please ... 06/10/10
32. SCIENOCHROMIS FRYERI pair Peterborough : These 2 are the long fin version. Very unusual. Both nearly 2 inch. Very sure they are 1m 1f as they are different to each other. £8 for the pair. can email pics. Please call 0784 ... 05/10/10
33. Greshakei fry. 1.5 inch peterborough : Already looking lovely with ice blue faces. Father is a stunning fish. £4 each or £7 pair. Can email pics on request. please call 07846274122 05/10/10
34. 3 albino socolfi. 1m 2f. peterborough : All around 3 inches. No posting sorry. £12 for group. I can email a pic. PLease call 07846274122 05/10/10
35. Pair of PSEUDOTROPHIUS CRABRO Peterborough : Lovely exaple of this speciey. Male is at least 4 inch. Female a bit smaller. £8 pair. can email a pic. 07846274122 05/10/10
36. 2 female yellow LABIDOCHROMIS CAERULEUS - yellow labs. : Both around 3inch. No posting sorry. I can email a picture if requested. 07846274122 05/10/10
37. F1 1m 2f group of fryeri - peterborough : Smallest fish is at least 4 inches. Male has the white flash almost right from his nose. looking for £25 for the group ovno. No deliverys sorry. I can email pic's. 07846274122. 05/10/10
38. information on this breed please : hi im considering starting a new tank for malawi chiclids, are they hard to keep or do they need special requirements, lukelexi@hotmail.co.uk 04/10/10
40. Blue Zebra cichlids - Breeding Pair : Blue Zebra cichlids - Breeding Pair, £10 Collection from Flintshire, North Wales Mobile - 07821752746 03/10/10
41. WANTED - Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef : Has anybody got any Cynotilapia Afra Jalo Reef Malawi Cichlids for sale. I would like some young fish if possible but will consider taking older fish. I live in Cambridge and am wi ... 03/10/10
42. WANTED: RED TOP ZEBRA YOUNSTERS : Does anyone have any young of either Metriclima Emmiltos or Metriclima Prysonotus. I have for exchange a large breeding group of Metriclima Greshakei also Large group of Protome ... 03/10/10
43. female ahli wanted + trio tiawan reef wanted : looking for some female ahli about 3" + also wanting a trio of tiwain reef cash waiting 03/10/10
44. tank fish sawp for marnie tank : malawi tanganyikan cichlids25 and cat fish 2 clown 1 01/10/10
45. Breeding group of Tropheus : Young group of 10 breeding tropheus bemba orange flame. £100 ONO Ring me or text me for more details. 07888707652. 01/10/10
46. various malawis : giving up the hobby so selling off my fish and equipment i have some malawis left to go 1 pseudo demansonai 1 yellow lab 2 juve rustys 1 female calinos +1 of her young 1 ... 01/10/10
47. Wanted Cichlids in Devon. Got big fish needing new home? : Do you have any for sale? Email me at chris.bryan@live.co.uk Wanted cichlids in Devon/Torbay area, most considered. Please contact via email to let me know what you have, will p ... 01/10/10
48. Lots of F1 and Wild Malawi Cichlids : I have decided to sell everything up and move to marine, and so i have over 100 different malawi's. too many to list. All wild ones bought from Fish inc and so high quality. This s ... 30/09/10
49. Lamprologus Brichardi babys for sale. : Hi, I currently have around 40 Lamprologus Brichardi babys for sale. They are 5 months old and at around 1 inch in length. As you can see in the pics, they are still with the pa ... 28/09/10
50. Wanted ahli female : Needing a good size female please. Emails or call with info thanks 27/09/10
51. Wanted Various Mbuna : Hi I have a tank setup and ready containing one 8" zebra tilapia and 1 yellow lab,3 Johani,1 Auratus in a 400 liter tank and I am looking for more Malawi cichlids to add to my t ... 27/09/10
52. OPEN TO OFFERS : parrot fish x2 lemon heads x2(2inch and 3-4inch) yellow labs x3 (2inch, 2.5inch, 3-4inch) sp44 x2(2.5inch) socolofi x3(3-4ich) metraclemous caliarnous (3-4inch) elongatous ( ... 26/09/10
54. aulonacara SOLD : i'm selling 4*peacock males 1-bencha benga 1- jacobfreibergi 1- firefish 1-sunset yellow all@ 3-4" @coloured up beautifully.make me an offer or will swap for mbuna. please tx ... 25/09/10
55. Specialist Cichlids for sale : Aulonocara Firefish 4" Pairs £59.99 Pseudotropheus Nmkomo Lime (F1) 2" £7.50 Pseudotropheus Nmkomo Lime (F1) 3.5" £14.95 Elongatus Ussisya (F1) ... 25/09/10
56. Pundamilia nyererei fry : Pundamilia nyererei fry- beautiful multicoloured hap. 1.5 inches. Picture of male. £2.50 each 23/09/10
57. 7 x F1 Frontosa Kipili Blue at 1.5 inches SOLD : Up for grabs we have 7 F1 Frontosa Kipili Blue at approx 1.5”. These are young from my very healthy Wild Caught breeding colony. They are beautiful fish who are starting to ge ... 22/09/10
58. fish for sale : I have the following fish ready for sale now, collection only or can take to Stevenage SA on Sunday morning Wild caught L Fuelaborni Chipokae pair £20 SOLD [IMG]http://i43. ... 21/09/10
59. WANTED - Malawi (Mbuna) Cichlids : I'm looking to buy a number of Mbuna's (preferably juveniles) - My local shops are not very well stocked so here I am searching............ Must be in South Wales area. I need to ... 21/09/10
60. african cichlids ( mbuna) WANTED must be cheap, can collect : mbuna cichlids wanted to stock my 440 litre aquarium...willing to travel for the right fish 18/09/10
61. Wanted Frontosa blue mpimbwe male in London : Hello, please let me know if you have an adult male for sale. 17/09/10
62. synodontis petrocola trio : have for sale a trio of syno petrocola these are spawning very often exellent condition £35 ono the trio 07883398323 17/09/10
63. multipunctatus wanted : im after a group or trio of syno multipunctatus cash waiting cheers 15/09/10
64. WANTED - FRONTOSAS IN SOMERSET AREA OR MUST BE ABLE TO POST : Hi, Im currently seeking some home bred frontosa's in the somerset region so i can collect, or nationwide aslong as you can provide a courier service! Please make contact if you ca ... 14/09/10
65. Yellow Lab Malawi babies : Hi, I have approximately 50 yellow lab malawi cichlids for sale, they are 3 and a half months old, feeding well, and are aproximately 3-5cm's in size. Some are all yellow, some a ... 13/09/10
66. frontosa : frontosa for sale x5 ranging in sizes from 7-9 inchs house move forces sale very nice fish been well looked after eating and feeding well not to sure of the sexes but have seen one ... 08/09/10
67. Aulonocara inches Albino strawberry inches : Only 4 fish left now. 3" lengh. £10 per fish. Collection only from S18. Email for details. 08/09/10
68. Protomelas Blue Fire Male 5 inch : For swap or sale, only sensibly offers, hes an awesome looking fish but my last female died over the weekend, so let me know what u got. willing to travel reasonable distance fo ... 07/09/10
69. For Sale breeding trio Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi NOW SOLD : Hi, Due to moving on to other kinds of aulonocara's (lwanda), I would like to sell the breeding group of aulonocara jacobfreibergi (1male/2Females), going for £30. The male i ... 05/09/10
70. Labidochromis caeruleus x4 : all 4 are about 1.5-2" and bright yellow £25 Picture to follow. 03/09/10
71. wanted/ aulanocara males ended-ended-ended : hi, i'm trying to get hold of a mixed variety of young male aulanocara and haplochromis. if anyone around the merseyside area is selling any of these please get in touch. 079853410 ... 02/09/10
72. albino zebra TAKEN-TAKEN-TAKEN : i have a 5"albino pseudotropheus zebra which is surplus to requirements,he's in top condition but he's gotta go. would like to swap for mbuna juvies or fry.please call or txt 07985 ... 02/09/10
73. frontosa burundi SOLD-SOLD-SOLD : i have a group of 10 frontosa burundi all @2-2.5" £8each or all 10 for £70 veiwing welcome. call or txt 07985341092. 02/09/10
74. malawi : wanted pseudotropheus acei yellow fin between 2.3inch phone 01603 488451 31/08/10
75. WANTED Nimbochromis Venustus : Hi,I'm after a young pair of Nimbochromis Venustus, I can collect or you can post. Thanks Dave 07967259648 31/08/10

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