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Malawi Cichlids & Tanganyikan Cichlids
 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE LAST STOCK AVAILABLE : Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER ...06/03/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...06/03/25

1. ocean rock for sale : 60kg of ocean rock for sale £60 plymouth 07876336781 01752512818 26/02/11
2. MBUNA MALAWI (Inherited Stock) MUST GO : The following Mbuna Malawi are available for immediate collection. The stock was inherited when the tank was acquired. All fish are healthy, feeding and active. They vary in age ... 26/02/11
3. MALAWI Jewel Cichlid FISH FOR SALE : I have Malawi Cichlids around 2"+ for sale starting at £4 per fish. 24/02/11
4. Breeding Group of 12 Frontosa : I am selling my breeding group of frontosa burundi, there are 7 adults and 5 smaller which are the young of the 7 adults... They are listed on e bay if you are interested. To ... 23/02/11
5. AULONOCARA RUBIN REDS : to see video of the breeding male please click on the first link below (father of the fish you will recieve). to visit my website with gallery and mailing list please click on t ... 23/02/11
6. SEE VIDEO OF FISH ROOMS,MALAWI AND VICTORIAN CICHLIDS,,DELIVERY TO YOUR DOOR AVA ... : hwww.uk-aquatic-supplies.co.uk Please read comment about this video..... Hi Tony I have just viewed your video and had to contact you to say how impressed I am with the qual ... 23/02/11
7. wanted : wanted african cichlids as i am starting a breeding program anything considerd 22/02/11
8. wanted and swop : I have sum seasanachromis blue bought them but 2 big for my tank my apolagies on the spelling lol txt or call any time cheers 07706356678 21/02/11
9. Malawi Cichlids WANTED : Hi I have just started up my own Malawi Cichlid tank and have a few zebras and peacocks. But would love to add to my collection. Would like to buy Malawi Cichlids off anyone who wa ... 20/02/11
10. wanted any free malawi cichlids : hi - any free cichlids you no longer want ,please give me a ring or drop me a email ,can collet in bristol area. 20/02/11
11. sciaenochromis fryeri breeding pair : i selling a breeding pair male around 4 inch female 3 half inch breed b4 15 pound or i mite swop haps or mubuna i can send photo bye email as not down load her cheers tom 079790481 ... 19/02/11
12. emigrating need t o go : 5-6" blue peacock £10 also have 20+ giraffe cichlids (livingstones)£1.50 each Plymouth area collection only 18/02/11
13. Gorgeous Wild Zebra Maisoni Reef Male 5inch + : Hi Guys, I have a lone male at around 5.5" that im looking to sell as i fancy getting a different kind of Zebra . Below are some pictures http://img253.imageshack.us ... 18/02/11
14. Cynotilapia Mbamba Nkhata Bay and F1 Membe Deep male @ 3 inches : I have around 10 F1 Cynotilapia Mbamba Nkhata Bay juvies available from rare wild caught parents. Mum and dad can be viewed in this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np6ot4 ... 17/02/11
15. Wanted calvus : Im after sum calvus any 1 got any for sale txt me 07706356678 16/02/11
16. Adult Large Malawi .sold ..sold ..sold .sold on ebay. : SIZES ARE TOTAL LENGTH INC TAIL.... 1 MALE VENUSTUS - 7-8 INCH sold for £30. 1 MALE BORLEYI - 7-8 INCH £25 1 MALE LIVINGSTONI - 7-8 INCH £25 1 MALE BLUE AHLI - 7-8 I ... 16/02/11
17. Wild and F1 malawi cichlids : the following are for sale collection only from Burgess Hill, unless buying a box full and it is worth my while. Thanks F1 Group P Saulosi, believe 3x male, and 3x Fem £25, 3-4 ... 15/02/11
18. breeding pair of electra plus more : have a young pair of electra have bred £15 swap for venustus 15/02/11
19. breeding group firefish blotch : have 1 male and 3 female firefish these are the blue blotch variant very colourfull see pic these have all bred so 3 definate females £25 the group or swap for male or pair o ... 15/02/11
20. 3D aquarium backround : Hi, I am looking for a 3D aquarium backround to fit a fluval venezia. This tank is a corner tank and each side is 70cm long and 60cm, so it needs two pieces this big. Preferabl ... 13/02/11
21. approx 14x malawi fish medium sized £30 : hi i am slowly closing down my 4ft malawi set up up, i have approx 100+kg of ocean rock and 14 ish malawi chiclids, included in sale will be (if wanted) female convict, large-ish j ... 13/02/11
22. Fish to give away : I am offering for free some malawi cichlids as i got a new tank which they came with it but it is heavily overstocked. I think i have one firetrap mouth cichlid, 3 massive pleco ... 12/02/11
23. male venustus wanted or swap for female : wanted male venustus about 4"to 6" i have 4 f1 about 4" but all look like females to me will buy a young male or swap for 1 of mine cheers 11/02/11
24. julidochromis ornatus : Wanted juvenial julidochromis ornatus in the south east kent area can anyone help 11/02/11
25. Brichardi (Fairy Cichlid) Breeding pair. + Fry : All now sold thankyou. 10/02/11
26. YOUNG PSEUDOTROPHEUS GRESHAKEI : I have approx 20 young greshakei for sale ranging in size from from 15-20mm. All are just 1pound each. Pictures available on request of young and parents. Collection only from ... 10/02/11
27. NEED TO REHOME 5 MALAWI CICHLIDS FOR FREE : We have 5 lovely malawi cichlids which we need to rehome as we have had to sell our fish tank :( If anyone is interested them please let me know as soon as possible - they would li ... 10/02/11
28. Large malawi cichlids £20 the pair : Collection from Leeds Very healthy fish. both 5-6.5 inch and very nice. Very cheap compared to petshops which sell them at £17.50 each. i may swap for other fish, tell me what ... 10/02/11
29. malawi cichlids : selection of malawi cichlids for sale closing down tank due to house move all fish must go make me an offer ring paul 07730218883 north east 09/02/11
30. F1 malawi mbuna Worksop Notts : F1 Fainziliberi "charo" (very rare) 4 - 6 cnm £5 each Tb Tropheops "red cheeks" 4 - 5 cm £3 each Tb yellow labs 4 - 6 cm £3 each F1 Tro ... 09/02/11
31. Tropheus for sale email me for details : I Have various tropheus that I think I am going to move on Duboisi Kazumba Rutunga Ikola Kaskalwe Pemba. Chimba Moliro Some others also Any questions please let ... 09/02/11
32. spirulina flake for sale : i have some spirulina flake for sale: 100gm £6.50 including p&p 200gm £12.00 including p&p payment by paypal please. members of malawiforum.co.uk get it even cheaper! ... 07/02/11
33. WANTED MALAWI CICHLIDS : Hi all i am looking for any type of Malawi cichlids, free or cheap as possible, may also consider other breeds of cichlids, please call me FRANK on 07519 591 917. 05/02/11
34. Neolamprologus Brichardi : I've a large (200+) breeding colony of Neolamprologus Brichardi, comprising fry and mature adults, in Maryport, Cumbria. I'm willing to accept any sensible offers for any or all ... 04/02/11
35. MALAWI AND TANGANYIKAN CICHLID BOOKS FOR SALE : Eighth and ninth edition of African Cichlids of Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika by Axelrod and Burgess. Aqualog African Cichlids 1 (Mbuna)and Aqualog Special Malawi Cichlids by Erwin ... 01/02/11
36. WANTED - MALAWI - Membe Deep, msobo magunga + Others : As title says im looking for some Malawi Cichlids to join my tank. The cichlids i am mainly after are; Membe Deep Msobo Magunga Labidochromis chisumulae melonochromis joh ... 29/01/11
37. TANGANYIKANS WANTED : tanganyikan cichlids Young if possible 1. Altolamprologus calvus 2. Chalinochromis brichardi 3. Cypichromis leptosoma (mpulungu,ikola) 4. Lamprologus brevis, ocellatus 5. Neo ... 28/01/11
38. TANGANYIKANS WANTED. : Hi im looking for the following tanganyikan cichlids Young if possible 1. Altolamprologus calvus 2. Chalinochromis brichardi 3. Cypichromis leptosoma (mpulungu,ikola) 4. Lampr ... 28/01/11
39. MALAWI CICHLIDS FOR SALE (WILD AND TANK BRED) : Trio Copadichromis Azureus Mbenji(w) £40 Pair Copadichromis Verduyni Gome(w) £30 Female Copadichromis Trimaculatus(tb) £5 Pair Placidochromis Phenochilus white lips(w)£30 L ... 28/01/11
40. Wanted cynotilapia afra cobue : I am looking for some cynotilapia afra cobue for my Mbuna tank. I may be able to collect in some areas. Please e-mail me with details. 28/01/11
41. young labs and obledigens £15 the lot : 8 young yellow labs good colour about a 1" mark also aprox 30 obledigens good colour parents under a 1" but growing fast the lot for £15 no offers first come first served 07 ... 26/01/11
42. Yellow Labidochromis (cichlids, malawi) available from 1.5 inches - 2.5 inches . : Hi There, I have got about 30 or 40 yellow labs and other malawis available for sale. £3 each or can make a deal if you take more. they are fed on spirulina, frozen cichl ... 26/01/11
43. Tropheus Duboisi Breeding Group (Liverpool) SOLD : Tropheus Duboisi Breeding Group of 6 at approx 5". The Group consists of 2 Males and the rest Females. This is a very productive breeding group and average 15-25 babies every ... 24/01/11
44. 22 TROPHEUS DUBOISI- LIVERPOOL ALL SOLD : Up for sale are Tropheus Duboisi 1". These are very healthy well fed fish (fed on high grade spirulina) that are growing very quickly! £5.50 each or 10 for £50 Collection f ... 24/01/11
45. 16 TROPHEUS MOORI MOLIRO RED ALL NOW SOLD : We have Moliro Red young for sale all around 1" - 2". Fed on high grade Spirulina. The young are really coming on nicely. Nice chunky fish with the reds already coming through. ... 24/01/11
46. WANTED: Malawi, tanganyikan Cuchlids, etc : Hi, I'm looking for African cichlidcs, any type, as long as u are not too far from port Talbot. And if u cud deliver tht wid b great. Looking about 3" or smaller Also sout ... 23/01/11
47. WANTED:African cichlids. Will swap/READ INFO : I will swap u convicts cichlid, mollies for African cichlid. I Wud swap 2 convicts cichlids for African 22/01/11
48. Breeding Group of 10 Tropheus Moliro 4-4.5 inches (Liverpool) : After much deliberation I've decided to sell my Breeding Group of Tropheus Moliro. I've had these for nearly 2 years and have had hundreds of young of them. A very prolific group ... 21/01/11
49. Trophes Moliro Breeding Group of 10 4-4.5 inches (Liverpool) : After much deliberation I've decided to sell my Breeding Group of Tropheus Moliro. I've had these for nearly 2 years and have had hundreds of young of them. A very prolific group ... 21/01/11
50. Swop : i have a calvus for sale or swop 3inch call or txt rusty 07706356678 20/01/11
52. Pseudotropheus sp. elongatus mpanga WANTED : Pseudotropheus sp. elongatus mpanga Wanted 20/01/11
53. Mbuna wanted Norwich area : Mbuna wanted, cash waiting. 20/01/11
54. Cyno Afra White Top Galireya WANTED : Cyno Afra White Top Galireya wanted. Cash waiting 20/01/11
55. WANTED KINGSIZEI : Kingsizei wanted, cash waiting. 20/01/11
56. Metriaclima zebra Long Pelvic Mdoka WANTED : I am looking for Metriaclima zebra Long Pelvic Mdoka. 20/01/11
57. Cynotilapia Afra WANTED : I'm looking for Cynotilapia Afra any size concidered. Thanks 20/01/11
58. Metriaclima Msobo WANTED : I'm looking for Metriaclima Msobo any size concidered. Thanks 07917182059 20/01/11
59. Aulonacara : Any1 wana swop me for my male and female fire fish open to offers 07706356678 Their both about 5 inch 19/01/11
60. FRONTOSAS WANTED IN LANCASHIRE : Hi i'm living in Morecambe and looking for some Frontosa's upto 5 inch, will pick up from anywhere in Lancashire, CASH waiting. Thanks 19/01/11
61. For sale or swop : Fire fish breeding pair im after swopping this beautifull pair of fish or make me an offer picture doesnt do them justice also i have a group ov 12 britchardi thanks for looking ch ... 18/01/11
62. Pseudotropheus sp. elongatus mpanga : 4 x 4" males f1 £6 each 4 x 3" females f1 £5 each good quality fish pick up only Mob. 07952496762 17/01/11
63. Metriaclima estherae (red zebra) : 2 x 4" blue males F1 £8 each 1 x 3" orange female F1 £6 each superb examples, quality fish Mob. 07952496762 Tel. 01472 508650 17/01/11
64. Synodontis sp "goldeneye" F1 : 4 x 3" breeding group. Very rare, a bargin at £50. Pick up only e-mail for pictures. Mob. 07952496762 17/01/11
65. For sale or swop : Thining out my tank lots ov different quality fish for sale or swap 17/01/11
66. WANTED Frontosa : Hi, I've just changed out my tank from varied chiclids to frontosa's and am on the hunt for some more locally, does anyone have any for sale in dorset? Thanks Chris 16/01/11
67. For sale or swop : Juvenile frontosa 3inch blue fins open to offers 16/01/11
68. shut down of my tanks : 1 4Ft tank with back ground built in filter brand new lights and around 80 malawi fish make me a reasonable offer also a 75 litre corner tank full ov fry 07706356678 14/01/11
69. for sale or swop : Around 10 red top blue zebras wanting to swop for otha malawis anything cosiderd all fish are around 3-4 inch very very healthy no nips feeding on pellet tetra prima tetra pro and ... 14/01/11
70. local breeders wanted for malawi cichlids 30 miles of wr15 8da : looking for local malawi cichlids breeders to stock our new set up please 07739700553 14/01/11
71. For sale : Hap nubilis 12@ 1 inch eating very well feeding out my fingers looking to swop for sp 44 pair or calvus but anything considerd cheers for looking picture is of the dad 07706356678 12/01/11
72. Wild Caught Breading Group of Frontosa Kipili Blue SOLD : Wild Caught Breading Group of Frontosa Kipili Blue For sale is my beloved breeding group of 9 Wild Caught Frontosa Kipili Blue. The group consists of the Alpha Male (10-11”) ... 12/01/11
73. Frontosa Lake Tanganyika Cichlid : For sale group of 5 [Hopefully mixed sexes] FRONTOSA Tanganyikan cichlids.10 TO 12 CM These cichlids from lake tanganyika are one of the most interesting and sourght after . ... 12/01/11
74. Wanted Metriaclima Msobo : I'm looking for Metriaclima Msobo any size concidered. Thanks 12/01/11
75. Lake victoria : Hap nubilis fry 15 for sale or will swop for a breeding pair of malawi any considerd they are an inch big and showing colour pic is ov male cheers rusty 07706356678 11/01/11

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