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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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Malawi Cichlids & Tanganyikan Cichlids
 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE LAST STOCK AVAILABLE : Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER ...06/03/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...06/03/25

1. Complete Tangynikan set up : Complete set up. 8 x Frontosa's ranging from 4" up to large adult male at approx 10"- £100 the lot 1 x Juliochromis £5 3 x Tropheous £25 1 x Sydontis catfish (8" long)£10 ... 01/05/11
2. Wanted tanganyikan and tropheus breeding groups : wanted breeding groups or pairs of tanganyikan,also breeding group of tropheus can travel for right fish. cash wainting 01/05/11
3. juveniles for sale job lot £40 : juvenile malawi for sale i have a few red empress juvenile for sale at between 2 and 3 inch mark about 20 of them and about 20 smaller from a different pair, looking for £40 the ... 01/05/11
4. Pseudotropheus Saulosi FOR SALE - Wellingborough, Northants : I have a large group of Adult Saulosi that are continuosly breeding and producing fry. As a result i am able to over some of their fry available for sale at a BARGAIN price comp ... 30/04/11
5. Malawis for sale in Weymouth dorset : labidochromis carrelus 8cm £8 pseudotropheus acei ngara £1 per cm sizes available 1-4cm and fry £15 for 20 labidochromis chisumulae £2 per cm sizes available 2-8cm Please ... 28/04/11
6. Convict Cichlids : i have about 20 convicts that need a home as i need my tank back they are between 1 inch and 3 inches long they came at quite a surprise as i was told both my convict adults were f ... 28/04/11
7. AULONACARA MALAUNA : About 4" in size contact on 01912627703 at weekends or after 6.00 pm through the week 27/04/11
8. WANTED Aulonocara cichlids fish : i want to start to collect and breed aulonocara fish please to me what the name of the fish is many thanks, if you are around essex or east london please call or message, cash is W ... 26/04/11
9. yellow lab cichlids : for sale are 14 or 15 (not sure sorry) yellow labs looking stunning already and bright yellow, these are a inch long now maybe bigger, selling these as my yellow lab female is abou ... 26/04/11
10. moving house and no room for tank : i have a 7 inch male nimbochromis fuscoteaniatus a 6 inch male venustus a 5 inch male dimidiochromis compressiceps a pair of elongatus yellow tail a pair of red shoulder peacocks a ... 24/04/11
11. moving house and no room for tank : i have a 7 inch male nimbochromis fuscoteaniatus a 6 inch male venustus a 5 inch male dimidiochromis compressiceps a pair of elongatus yellow tail a pair of red shoulder peacocks a ... 24/04/11
12. full 5ft malawi set up : 5 ft tank over £200 worth of malawi rock loads of malawis adults and youngters inc breeding pairs and wild and f1 malawis lights etc £400 ono 23/04/11
13. bumblebee cichlids for sale (9) : Bumblebee Cichlid. (Maylandia crabro). £3.00 each, collection only Please feel free to call me or email me if you have any further questions. All are babies, between 1 and 2 i ... 22/04/11
14. look to swap : XBOX 360(60GB)+ Games + Xbox Kinect + 2 Xbox 360 conrollers i am willing to swap for cichlids or fish tank set up CONTACT ME IF INTRESTED AND FOR MORE INFO ON 01980623158 AND A ... 21/04/11
15. breeding trio tiawan reef £35 : have a breeding trio of tiawan reef these are from tony at bridlington awsome quality wanting £35 for the trio 07883398323 18/04/11
16. Wanted Frontosa (Herefordshire) : I'm searching for a male Frontosa, and maybe a couple of females, to go with my lonely 6" Burundi female.I live in Herefordshire & I am willing to travel (within reason)for collect ... 16/04/11
17. Aulonocara OB Peacock male- SOLD : For sale. Orange blotch peacock male, about 4ins. Lovely fish but surplus to requirements. £10 no offers please. Photo is of actual fish (sorry about pic quality) Collection from ... 16/04/11
18. nimbbochromis venustus whanted please : i like to bye a male or a pair must be more than 4 inch 6 or 7 inch better cheers tommy 15/04/11
19. NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN IRELAND DELIVERY RUN ,,SORRY to the people that tried to p ... : i will put details of the next delivery date as soon as it is arranged. hi, i am pleased to anounce we have arranged our first northern and southern ireland deliver-pick run on ... 12/04/11
20. cichlids wanted BREEDING PAIRS/TRIOS urgent : hi im currentley trying to stock my tank up we cichlids im after breeding pairs/triossheffield/rotherham area 11/04/11
21. firefish young aprox 50 £20 the lot : have a batch of fire fish young about 3/4 of a inch in size growing quick will sell for 50p each if buyer buys them all aprox 50 at a guess or £1 each individualy fist come fir ... 10/04/11
22. Large Black Frontosa for sale : My favourite fish sadly needs re-homing as he has outgrown the tank, and I would like him to go to someone with a large tank, ideally with other fish of his kind. He is about 8&quo ... 08/04/11
23. MELANOCHROMIS AURATUS FOR SALE : Hi, ive got one melanochromis auratus for sale showing the female colours atm but may change to boy colour as it gets older its about 1.5 to 2.5" at most in size if would li ... 07/04/11
24. Malawi for sale : 1Pr Dimidichromis Kwingi 8-9" SOLD SUBJECT TO COLLECTION 1poss trio Dimidichromis Compressicep 3-3.5" 1Pr Haplochromis Flameback 4.5" SOLD 1Pr Aulonocara Mauluna SOLD 1Pr Aulon ... 07/04/11
25. Rare : White wild calvus for sale open to sensible offers 1 male 1 female beautiful fish txt or call on 07706356678 07/04/11
26. OCEAN ROCK : For sale 40 kilo of ocean rock, collection only because of the weight to post. ONLY £40.00. A Bargain. Also check my fish tank, stand and fluval 400 external filter on my other a ... 05/04/11
27. T Duboisi : Hi we will be having some tropeus duboisi Maswa for sale at 2.5cm £7.50ea approx 20 plus 5 juvies at 8cm £15ea 05/04/11
28. yellow labs : ready to go £3 each or £12 for 6 05/04/11
29. Malawi set ups for sale : Im selling my malawi set ups i have 2 very nice tanks and going in to stingrays so wud swop for anotha tank with rays i have lots and lots ov fish to many to list please call or tx ... 04/04/11
30. malawi fish : acei ngara f1 from wild parents, £3 - £5, depends on size, nice fish thanks 04/04/11
31. wild caught Pr Proto Spilonotus Gold head Tanzania : as above on Ebay Item number: 200593561367 03/04/11
32. malawi : Lots ov fish for sale ice blue red top zebra x3 vic 10 x2 electric blue johanni x2 lemon cichlid x 2 burtons mouth brooder pundamelia x3 sp44 x4 and a few ... 03/04/11
33. TRIO OF HAPS - Worksop Notts : Decided to move these on One of females has already held a brood so proven breeders Male is around 5 - 6 inch I believe they are Copadichromis borleyi Mdoka but I am no expert ... 02/04/11
34. pundemelia : Trio beaut fish make me an offer pundemelia nyerie mkobe red collection only txt rusty on 07706356678 01/04/11
35. Yellow Labs WANTED : I am after some Yellow Labs for my new set up. Iam in Lancashire...please mail me or call/textmeon 07727209510. Thanks 31/03/11
36. Black pearl WANTED : Black pearl calvus gota be atleast 1-2 inch if any 1 got any in the nottingham area txt or call lee on 07706356678 31/03/11
37. PSUEDOTROPHEUS ACE LUWALA YELLOW TAIL, (SOLD SOLD) : PSUEDOTROPHEUS ACEI BLACK WITH YELLOW TAIL FOR SALE SIZE around 4,5 inches size, BEAUTIFUL FISH 6.00 each. I am happy for fish to be collected in person at an arranged time LONDON ... 30/03/11
38. wanted young Malawi cichlids : looking for young Malawi cichlids for new set up in the suffolk/north essex area. please email or call 07725481504. 29/03/11
39. 48 Malawi cichlids 150 ono : Hi I have 45 mbuna cichlids and 3 haps ( moori dolphins ) for sale 150 ono, all fish are quality bred fish from Carl at midlandmalawis not poor quality hybrids from petshops, I wil ... 29/03/11
41. tropheus duboisi : for sale x2 tropheus duboisi approx 3 inches £20 for both buyer must collect 28/03/11
42. Alunacara : Fire fish breeding adult pair £20 beautiful fish call or txt 07706356678 28/03/11
43. Various sized malawi mbuna for sale Weymouth, Dorset : Hi I have varius sized malawis for sale from fry up to 10cm, based in Weymouth Dorset. labidochromis carrelus 10cm pseudotropheus acei ngara 0-4cm labidochromis chisumulae ... 28/03/11
44. Frontosa and more : I have frontosa fire fish and blotch all adult all perfect open to offers thanks 07706356678 27/03/11
45. FREE- Pundamilia nyererei : Pundamilia nyererei male- free to good malawian home 26/03/11
46. malawi fish for sale scotland : dialeptos at 2in £2.50 per fish mpanga at 2in £2.50 per fish 26/03/11
47. Malawi Wanted : I am after some, bright coloured Malawi. must be 3-4 inches or bigger and at a reasonable cost. Looking to add more colour to my current set up. Groups/Trio considered but males ... 26/03/11
48. moori dolphin male wanted : wanted male moori dolphin cichlid must be min 4" cash waiting 25/03/11
49. Labidochromis hongi young for sale : Labidochromis hongi young for sale x 24 all about an inch some bigger stunning colours even at this size have parents in my main tank for sale at 25/03/11
50. malawi 2 foot setup includes fluvel 305 external filter : elite 2 foot setup with: external filter heater coral gravel ocean rock (15kg) air pump food fish about 25 malawis, all 4 month old or older, growing fast yellow ... 24/03/11
51. Julidochromis and Shelldwellers wanted : Am looking for any Julidochromis or Tanganyikan shelldwellers in the Hull area as i cannot drive and like to see fish before i buy.If anyone has any available or knows where any av ... 23/03/11
52. SP44 : 15 Malawi SP44 youngs for sale. 2 months old 10-20 mm long. £1.50 each or £20 for joblot. Picture shows father. Collection only from LE3 area. 22/03/11
53. trophesus moorii bemba : wanted 2-3" trophesus bemba, if you have one of these splendid fish for sale please e-mail me with price and location............Many thanks 21/03/11
54. trophues red milro adult group 19 in total : hi im having 2 sell my adult group of red milro there are a breeding group the fish are coming up 2 years old all young sold just need 2 sell adults now so i can meet half way for ... 21/03/11
55. Full Tanganyikan set up for sale : Jewel 240 tank and stand (Walnut), Fluval 305 external filter, internal uv filter, Tanganyican set up including Frontosas,diabosi,lombardi,dafodily,blue acer and many more, fish wo ... 19/03/11
56. mixed malawi cichlid : Hi there .I have orange zebra and blue zebra malawi cichlid 2-3 inch size £3 each i have 20 fish for sale . 18/03/11
57. 30 malawis for sale : I have approx 30 malawis for sale probaly more plus im guessing there are some babys plus 4 foot tank with fx5 filter open to offers must clear out soon moveing house. 18/03/11
58. wanted blue dolphine cichlids : hi i am after a couple of blue dolphine cichlids (sorry not sure on the correct name)and some african lumpheads. could you please call or txt my phone if you can help. thanks 17/03/11
59. BARGAIN. 120 pounds only for 12 fish, tank ,cabinet, light. : Group of 12 Tropheus Duboisi + 140 liters fishtank + cabinet and cover in black with build in filter and light in very good condition. Size of the tank: L 75cm, W 45cm, H 124cm on ... 16/03/11
60. young malawi for sale 6 for £10 : i have the following fish for sale at 6 for £10 or £2 each all fish around 1" Firefish yellow labs saulosi electra growing on mix and match welcome 16/03/11
61. F2 hap ahli for sale : My male was stunning but lost him due toa heater problem, these fish will be a great Addition to any tank About 1" only 5 left £2.50 each 16/03/11
62. calvus wanted all strains : I have lots ov malawi for sale or swop mbuna haps zebra auratus vic 10 sp44 lemon cichlid peacocks all for sale around 60 fish or swop for calvus txt anytime 07706356678 15/03/11
63. Haplochromis Livingstoni : hi i have 2 male Haplochromis Livingstoni about 4-5 inches for sale £5.00 each 15/03/11
64. FOR SALE GrOUP OF 30 CICHLIDS - MALAWI : Hi, I got for sale group of 30 Malawi Cichlids - various types and sizes from 5cm up to 12cm and. All the fish offered are a high quality and are in good health and feeding well. ... 15/03/11
65. pseudotropheus lombardoi for sale or swap : Hi i have about 20 pseudotropheus lombardoi in blue and yellow i would like to swap for other malawi or sale for £3 each the are decent size about 3inch collection only plymouth 14/03/11
66. MALAWI CICHLIDS. : There are approx 24 fish. They are between 2 & 4 inches long, many are paired, non are aggresive. Disability forces sale, i struggle with the water changes. average price £3 e ... 13/03/11
67. Neolamprologus brichardi : hi is there anyone who has Neolamprologus brichardi forsale in west yorkshire area if so please contact me on 07852002537 thanks rob 11/03/11
68. 5, 6inch blue zebras swaps for big oscars or other big fish york northyorkshire : hi am looking to put some big fish in my 6ft tank .. looking for oscars must be 6/8 inch big can come and collect in and around york/scarborough ... or try me with what you have go ... 10/03/11
69. large Yellow Labs - Leicester : I have 10 large yellow labs to clear. I am open to reasonable and sensible offers. These labs are 4inches plus in size. All fishes are eating well and also have great color quality ... 09/03/11
70. Large Yellow Labs to clear : I have 10 large yellow labs to clear. I am open to reasonable and sensible offers. These labs are 4inches plus in size. All fishes are eating well and also have great color quality ... 07/03/11
71. Wild Tropheops Zimbawe rock Adult male Mbuna worksop : Have decided to move on this stunning male He is 5+inches in size and a real good looker. He is a proven breeder but has recently lost his female. Would like £20 + postage but ... 06/03/11
72. metriaclima aroura 7-8cm 2 x Breeding pairs : 2 x breeding pairs of Aroura for sale. Lovely healthy fish, eating well. Stunning colours £10 pair. Contact Kelly on 07793866886. 05/03/11
73. Wanted Female Colour select : Hi Wanting 2 female adult colour select. In the Durham area. Thanks 05/03/11
74. bristlelnose plecs 1 inch ish 10 for ten pound sold sold : i have young showing sex already 150 each or ten for ten pound can post 07979048150 cheers tom 05/03/11
75. WANTED : Lemon cichlids any 1 got any and affrojo reef cash waiting for any1 who wants to sell thanks 07706356678 Rusty 28/02/11

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