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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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Malawi Cichlids & Tanganyikan Cichlids
 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE LAST STOCK AVAILABLE : Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER ...06/03/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...06/03/25

1. A. Kandeense Wild Caught : A. Kandeense Wild Caught £40 each phone Mike Bonnick 07721007762 sorry do not post 22/06/11
2. Young Malawi, mixed zebras : Hi there, 2 of my zebras, Red and Orange have just spat, male is a blue zebra, these will be lovely colours once their up. I have about 30-40 in total (in a nursery), wanting some ... 21/06/11
3. 3 frontosa mpimbwe females for sale £100 for the trio : i have 3 proven mpimbwe females for sale from my own wc/f1 group i sadly lost the other males nd females so thats all wats left 1wc/2f1 the are all bout 6-7" i wouldve thought ... 20/06/11
4. Tropheus wanted, Young/fry : Looking for young or fry tropheus. My options are open so please contact me with what you have available. 19/06/11
5. cheap : I am selling all my malawi to move on to tropheous i have over 80 fish calvus . Sp44. Lithobates.johanni.auratus. Sunshine peacocks. Yellow labs. Zimbabwe rock . Fa ... 19/06/11
6. 6 TROPHEUS MOLIRO YOUNG FOR SALE, LIVERPOOL £30 NOW AN INCH : We have 6 Moliro young for sale. They grow into nice chunky young fish, and beautiful adult fish. An Inch at the moment and growing fast! Very Chunky, Healthy Fish with strikin ... 18/06/11
7. Tanganyikan Cichlids,,,Wild & Tank Bred Quality Tanganyikan Cichlids : Hi, I am pleased to announce that I am expanding my tank capacity at Tony’s African Cichlids by a further 80 tanks and will be also looking into stocking Tanganyikan cich ... 16/06/11
8. moori blue dolphin 3 female 1 male : have 3 large definate female moori all have had young and 1 what i believe to be a male i lost my breeding male fish are about 5 inches wanting £40 the group may swap or px 13/06/11
9. Full 48 inches Malawi Set up inc 2 x Ehein External Filters : Due to impending house move, I'm selling my custom-built Malawi set-up. Having trouble uploading pictures so please email me and I'll send you some direct. The tank measures ... 13/06/11
10. Malawi Cichlids North East @ Dans Aquatics (Can Post) : I am a home breeder of Malawi Cichlids based in County Durham. I have been in the hobby and breeding for for about 12 years now. Current Stock: Otopharynx Lithobates 4-5cm  ... 13/06/11
11. F1 Msobo Heteropictus & Others : Have fry & juvies from a number of wild caught parents (which you are welcome to see). Sizes are approx Msobo Heteropictus (Lundo) - 2cm from 2 different females £2.50 each ... 13/06/11
12. Group ov 18 : Zimbawe rock females and male group ov 20 inch and half in size males colourd up selling as a group or swop call or txt 07706356678 thanks 12/06/11
13. Malawi Cichlids..Large Colony For Sale.. : Hi all, I have a huge selection of Malawi Cichlids up for grabs... Its a full community and all get along fine apart from the odd squabble.... Here's the list to the best o ... 11/06/11
14. MALAWI FISH FOR SALE REDUSED PRICED : Ive got around 30 malawi fish for sale £50 pound quick sale need these gone to make room for young angels email me if interested 11/06/11
15. 4 sale f1 dimidiochromis strigatus sunset : lake malawi sunset cichlids 3 quater inch long will b stunning fish dad lovely stunning colours about forty 4 sale collection only £2.50 each call carl on 07551968736 11/06/11
16. yellow labs : i have yellow lab fry for sale they are very small so will be ready in 1 month minimum but i am also looking for other malawi cichlids i will consider a swap please email me brads ... 09/06/11
17. breeding group of 8 tanganyikans 2 carrying : 2 females carrying open to offers 08/06/11
18. Male cynotilapia Afra Hara : Adult male around 3"+. Nice example. £10 Collection From Northampton. 08/06/11
19. young and adult malawi cichlids and vieja synspila for sale : hi ive got some young and adult malawi cichlids for sale im asking £2 and £5 each pseudotropheus elongatus usisya melanochromis auratus perants can be seen plus others aduts ... 07/06/11
20. Breeding groups of Tropheus Bemba and Moliro (Liverpool) : Due to thinning down tanks I'm selling my breeding groups of Tropheus Moliro and Tropheus Bemba. Both very prolific groups who are continually breeding. The Moliro group consis ... 07/06/11
21. Various Malawi,s and Tanganykan for sale. : For sale the following fish- Melanochromis Electric Blue Johanni x1 pair upto 3"- £14. Fuellaborni x1 pair male 5" female slightly smaller £15. Psuedatropheus Kingsizi 2 males ... 06/06/11
22. wanted pseudotropheus demasoni, sp 44 : Either young or a group around 10 demasoni and 5 sp44, decent price, will pick up around Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire. Or post if you can? thanks :) 06/06/11
23. Fry : Lots ov fry over a hundred gresheki, auratus, hap burtoni, sp44 , red zebra and hongi open to offers call ronnie 07706356678 06/06/11
24. ZIARE BLUES : F1 ZIARE BLUES FOR SALE,6 MONTH OLD TEL 07870266269 06/06/11
25. Malawi cichlid and aquarium : Hi all, 4ft long 2ft deep 18 inch wide aquarium with mahogany cabinet and hood custom made from wharf aquatics with a double light unit, fluval 405 external filter, eheim extern ... 06/06/11
26. fairy cichlids-wanted : must be cheap 03/06/11
27. tang cichlids scotland : callinichromis dhoboi 2.5ins-£5.00each 7 available £30for all 7 julidichromis dickfeldi 3ins+ £5 each julidichromis transcriptus 2.5ins+ £5.00 each phone 07563503205 03/06/11
28. ---MALAWI CICHLIDS FOR SALE ---- - yate bristol : I am selling some home bred Cichlids Fry for £1.50 Each and I also have lager fish avalable for £2.50 they are very healthy and have great colour when they muture I am in Yate ... 03/06/11
29. wild male frontosa 7-8 inch £40 : have for sale a stuning specimin of the frontosa wanting £40 or swaps for arowana? or try me 07590261530 caj_16_75@hotmail.com piks on request 02/06/11
30. MALAWIS AND MORE FOR SALE £35 : 9 malawi (5cm - 2 inch) £30 02/06/11
31. Breeding pair of Zebra cichlids : Aka Convicts We are selling a breeding pair of Zebra or Convict cichlids. These fish seem to have a very bad reputation for being aggressive but I can't say we've had too man ... 02/06/11
32. LAKE MALAWI CICHLIDS X 20 : need new home they will have no tank by Saturday so quick sale for £25 the lot all different colours and sizes must go in next two days 02/06/11
34. Lots ov Malawi : Zimbawe rock yellow labs johanni and a few otha bits all healthy feeding great around 25 fish wanting to sell or swop anything considerd txt lee 07706356678 31/05/11
35. about 40 malawi £100 or swap why teeside : hi forsale about 40 malawi fish diffrent sizes dont know there names had them about 8 months but there not for me £100 the lot (can not split sorry) or swap why thanks any questio ... 30/05/11
36. malawi cichlids : Copadichromis borleyi @ 1 inch £3 each or 4 for £12 moori dolphins @ 2 inch £3.50 each or 4 for £12 Iodotropheus sprengerae (rusty) @ 2 inch £3 each or 4 for £10 (sold ... 30/05/11
37. F1 Malawi / Burundi Frontosa : Have a few F1 fry/juvies from wild caught parents. Metriaclima Msobo Magunga (SOLD - have another female holding) Pseudotropheus Elongatus Luhuchi Rocks Pseudotropheus Daktari ... 28/05/11
38. Malawi f1 : Fainziliberi chalo beautiful fish about 20 and sum otha bits and bobs for sale they are all about 2inch big very healthy and very greedy lol wud consider swoping for dubosi trio or ... 27/05/11
39. MALAWI FISH : hi I have about 20 malawi fish for sale, all adults ranging from 4 to 7 inches,5-10 pound each, I also have some baby red empress, 1 pound each some really nice fish, have not got ... 27/05/11
40. FISH TANK& MALAWI : hi, complete set up for sale, 190lt fluval corner fish tank and stand in brilliant condition. like new. just over a year old, complete with 1 external fluval 205 and 2 internal fil ... 27/05/11
41. large plec : Hi, I've bought a tank and it came with a large plec, don't know what sort, common I think but its not wanted,also a large pink kissing gourami looking for offers or swap for malaw ... 26/05/11
42. trigon 190 corner tank + malawi offers teeside : forsale trigon 190 in dark brown good condition no scratches on tank or cabinet comes with a fluval 305 external filter heater only down side is it needs a new light comes with abo ... 26/05/11
43. C. Afra Hara Gallireya Reef : These are wild caught adult £17 each phone Mike Bonnick 07721007762 sorry do not post 25/05/11
44. Wanted malawi cichlids : i am wanting some malawi cichlids any kind around 2-4" please . thanks mitch 07531461559 25/05/11
45. F1 Malawi Mbuna from Wild Caught Parents : A number of F1s from wild caught parents (which you are welcome to view). Fish are collection only from near Chesham, Bucks. Labeoptropheus Trewavasae (Manda) Metriaclima Msob ... 23/05/11
46. WANTED LARGE MALAWI/TANGANYIKAN CICHLIDS : hi there im looking to buy some large malawi or tanganyikan cichlids the ones im looking for are aulonocara scianochromis fryeri or optopharynx lithobates i am also looking to bu ... 22/05/11
47. 2 frontosas for sale 3in sold sold : 2frontosas 3in £20 for the 2 please text because email playing up 21/05/11
48. Cichlids for sale in Plymouth : Due to sort out of tanks, various rift lake cichlids for sale - adults and young - sensible prices pauljeal@hotmail.com 20/05/11
49. Mix Malawis for sale (tank Shutdown) : Hi All I am shuting down my tank and selling all my fish. here is what i have Lab caeruleus breeding group 10-15 SOLD Yellow tail Breeding group 8 - 10 SOLD Perlmutt ... 20/05/11
50. blue dolphen for sale near mansfield j28 of m1 sold sold : i am selling some young dolphens 3 pound each or 4 for a tenner i can post 13.50 from good fish realy dark blue about 1 inch some bigger 2 inch 07979048150 20/05/11
51. Metriaclima Membe Deep F1w Juvies : Have around 20 F1w juvies from Wild parents (1inch) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aomxK6D_NWA Is the farther^ please watch in hd £7 each or £50 for 6 delivered. ... 19/05/11
52. fish tank and stand : i have for sell a 3ft 10inch fish tank and stand it comes with filter in and external the external does need a new shaft but still works heater air pump and i also have 20+ fish i. ... 19/05/11
53. Malawi mbuna hybrids - free to good homes : I have a number of hybrid mbuna malawis which are free, or if you're feeling generous you can give me a couple of quid towards food! They are between 1 and 2 inches long and dev ... 19/05/11
55. wanted haps : young fossorochromis rostratus and champsochromis caeruleus 17/05/11
56. Pair of Pseudotropheus elongatus Chewere : I have an unrelated pair of chewere for sale male is 3" female 2". nice examples. £15 Collection from Northampton 14/05/11
57. Trio of yellow labs : I have a nice trio of decent yellow labs Male is 4" females 2". Unrelated. £15.00 Collection from Northampton 14/05/11
58. altolamprologus compressiceps : ready to go £4 each or £20 for 6.. 12/05/11
59. frontosa : frontosa £25 each. 7" fish. 12/05/11
60. #GREATLY REDUCED# Malawi tank full set up - £700.00 : #Huge Reduction# from £950.00 Selling the full set up, which is 5 foot Rena tank with loads of malawi fish (that includes frontosa,firefish,sp 44s jacobfreibergi etc and many mor ... 09/05/11
62. breeding goldhead calvus pair sold sold : selling my breeding pair as not have room to breed alone 30 pound or swop for malawi adults not every day stuff please or large pair of haps 07979048150 tommy can post with heat pa ... 09/05/11
63. Tanganyikans for sale (North London) : All these fish are healthy and are in perfect condition, i am selling because i want to get a asain arrowna. :D collection only call or email for more details or photos.. 075 ... 08/05/11
64. Wanted African cichlids : Anyone wanting to give there unwanted African cichlids a good home please consider me. Although I can't offer money I can pick up and promise I will take good care of them. All Afr ... 07/05/11
65. Tanganyikans For sale (North London) : All these fish are healthy and are in perfect condition, i am selling because i want to get a asain arrowna. :D collection only call or email for more details or photos.. 075 ... 07/05/11
66. Tanganyikans For sale (North London) : All these fish are healthy and are in perfect condition, i am selling because i want to get a asain arrowna. :D collection only call or email for more details or photos.. 075 ... 07/05/11
67. Wanted/ for sale/ swop : Im after sum calvus and i have lots for sale please contact me i have johanni yellow labs red zebra sp44 tropheops zimbawe rock lithobates chalo sunshine peacock brachardi to name ... 07/05/11
68. Malawi - Afra Hara from gallireya reef - Wellingborough, Northants : I have some young Cynotilapia Afra Hara youngsters for sale from Gallireya Reef. These have been bred myself in my aquarium and parents can be seen (see video) As a result i ... 06/05/11
69. Malawi various types and sizes Weymouth Dorset : pseudotropheus acei ngara £1 each 1-4cm labidochromis chisumulae £5 each 4-5 cm 07748620833 pick up from Weymouth, Dorset Note: pictures not actual fish/parents 05/05/11
70. Neolamprologus boulengeri : Hi , I have around 20x Juvinile Neolamprologus boulengeri , all around 1 inch in size. These are really nice tanganyikan shell spawner. Not often seen in the hobby at the momen ... 05/05/11
71. HAPLOCHROMIS [Now Nimbochromis] VENUSTUS : I have about 10 of these colourful fish ,that are 8/9 months old giraffe cichlids[venustus] at about 3-4 inches - £5 each,eating well,colouring up nicely!These are very interest ... 05/05/11
72. brichardi : brichardi ready to go £3 each. adult breeding pair male daffodil female half black £15. 04/05/11
73. Red Zebra Mbuna : For sale or swap. We got ourselves what we believed to be 2 female red zebras to go with our male. He killed one and was after the other, so we've had to separate them. We'v ... 03/05/11
74. Malawi cichlids : Hi I'm wanting red zebra adult female fish ASAP. Also wanting other Malawi cichlids of any size for good price. Contact dave -07956326610. In Yorkshire 02/05/11
75. Fish for sale : 8 x Frontosa's Ranging from Large Adult Male at 8- 10" to smallest at 4". Bargain priced group - £100 the lot. 1 x Sydontis Catfish, 8" Long - £10 3 x Tropheus Moori - £2 ... 01/05/11

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