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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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Malawi Cichlids & Tanganyikan Cichlids
 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE LAST STOCK AVAILABLE : Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER ...05/03/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...05/03/25

1. Cyrtocara moorii dolphin cichlids near peterborough : these are hybrid mum cmoori dad red empress about 60for sale these are about 4cm-5cm long all healthy and eating well really beautifull fish £4 each or 10 for £30 please em ... 22/10/11
2. SP44 juveniles : Hi I have 20 juveniles approx 1-2 inch, 5-£10 10-£15 15-£20 20-£25 Collection only 22/10/11
3. Young zebra obliquidens : I have 3 of these at about 1 inch long, and another batch about 4 weeks old, with the female holding again. Open to offers on the young, and may also consider selling the breeding ... 22/10/11
4. 35-40 kg of ocean rock : Hi all, have swapped from malawis to a community tank and have 35 to 40ish kg of ocean rock, 32 individual pieces many shapes and sizes. Looking for a reasonable offer around £35 ... 22/10/11
5. CHEAP MALAWI BARGAINS : We have 200 malawi for sale all fish are 1-2 inch so u get to watch the fish grow and bloom in colour high quality f1-f2 we have sp44 burtons mouth brooder auratus red zebra ... 21/10/11
6. Frontosas for sale : 5 3/4 inch frontosa, looking like 2 males 3 females, only based on behavioural patterns, so I may be wrong. 1 1 and a half inch and 3 2cm fish. All from different fish shops apart ... 20/10/11
7. Malawi Cichlid - Male Socolofi : Large 4" to 5" powder blue male Malawi Cichlid, i thinks it's called a Socolofi. Just fancy a change in the tank and looking for a SP44 male, I could swap for one or £8 gets yo ... 20/10/11
8. synodontis multipunctatus breeding colony for sale : 18 various synodontis multipunctatus in colony. 4 wild caught including one black at 5-6 inches each £30 each. 13 x 4-5 inch from five different suppliers to guarantee different ... 20/10/11
9. TROPHEUS IKOLA : 19 Tropheus Ikola 3/4"to 1" £50 collect only feeding well on spirulina flake sorry all sold 20/10/11
10. Tanganyikan Cichlid - Neolamprologus Caudopunctatus : Fascinating characters. Interesting shell spawning behaviour but thankfully not too shy and spend most of their time out of their shell, often patrolling around the tank. Suitable ... 18/10/11
11. Pundamilia Nyerere (mkobe island) £1.00 Each : Lake Victoria Cichlid. Found at Makobe Island, Tanzania This is a carnivore and is best fed on high quality granular food. It is mildly aggressive . Can reach a maximum ... 18/10/11
12. mbuna setup. : 8 pairs of various malawi mbuna, no cross bred. one synodontis catfish. all in a 50 gallon (220 litre) tank 40x23x16. white and blue t5 tubes in hood all gravel,sand rock included. ... 17/10/11
13. brichardi : wanted -scotland 17/10/11
14. Malawi Fish Weymouth Dorset : Acei Ngara for sale 17/10/11
15. Wanted mbuna cichlids : hello im looking to add to my small collection of mbuna cichlids i would like to get a few more yellow labs and Pseudotropheus saulosi im also looking for any other type in the ... 17/10/11
16. Wanted - Lymington -c2.5in P.Demasoni Male : Hi - if you have 2.5ish male p.demasoni in the Bournemouth to Southampton area please get in touch with details. Many thanks, Jane 17/10/11
17. WANTED FEMALE ADULT ELONGATUS MPANGAS : hi has anyone got any female adult elongatus mpangas as we have recently lost ours andour male is rather lonley. please get in touch if you have any females (adults) for sale my em ... 17/10/11
18. 5ft , 3 x 4ft, 3ft , cube and 4x 2ft fishtanks 4 sale, with fish and filters, he ... : look at above ad on ebay. 16/10/11
19. F1 Metriaclima Msobo (Gold manda) x15 & F1 Cynotilapia White top hara (Galireya ... : All 30 fish are from wild parents!!! The Metriaclima Msobo are F1 and are all different sizes, The dominant male is starting to show his blue colouring. There is a mixture of ma ... 15/10/11
20. wanted malawi cichlids : any one got any mawali cichlids in oxfordshire they wish to give away or have for sale 14/10/11
21. Neolamprologus Similis Shell dwellers : Beautiful small striped fish who live in small escargot shells. They have curious behaviour rearranging the sand and all working together to defend fry. 20+ fry available of differ ... 14/10/11
22. Wanted yellow fin acei : Hi I'm looking for some yellow fin acei good size if anyone can help please get in touch with a price or could swap for red zebra 14/10/11
23. Red Zebra Cichlids For Sale : Red zebra cichlids for sale male and female Over ten to pick from various sizes from a inch upto 4-5 inches. All the fish are in my main four foot tank so come have a look and ta ... 14/10/11
24. malawi cichils for sale : Male venustus for sale (8inch) £15 Breeding pair of hongis(5-7inch) £15 Breeding pair of sp44's (5-7inch) £15 Pick up only Darlington amy_dylan@live.co.uk 12/10/11
25. wanted malawi manchester greater area : hi im looking for young and adult malawi finding it hard around here is there any hobbyist breeders local in or around manchester plz contact me email taz_2003devil@hotmail.com ... 12/10/11
26. cichlids wanted please read : hi im looking to buy a female pseuodtropheus acei ngara ideally 3/4 inches also all other cichlids considered especialy frontosa and venustus txt/call danny 07746491714 cheers 12/10/11
27. cynotilapia afra jalo : Wanted cynotilapia afra jalo reef any fish considered adults or juveniles.Kent area only please mob 07718204186 12/10/11
28. Labidochromis caeruleus electric yellow albino 4-5 inch pair : Labidochromis caeruleus electric yellow albino 4-5 inch pair. please email or phone for any info. thankyou 12/10/11
29. Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Gold 5 inch breeding female : Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Gold 5 inch breeding female. please email or phone for any info. thankyou 12/10/11
30. Cyphotilapia frontosa 6-8 inch quad breeding group : Cyphotilapia frontosa 6-8 inch quad breeding group 1male/3female. (female holding at present) sensible offers please. please email or phone for any info. thankyou 11/10/11
31. Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Gold 5 inch : Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Gold 5 inch breeding trio. please email or phone for any info. thankyou 11/10/11
32. Pseudotropheus (Melanochromis) cyaneorhabdos maingano malawi cichlid tropical fi ... : Pseudotropheus (Melanochromis) cyaneorhabdos maingano malawi cichlid tropical fish approx 1 inch. please email or phone for any info. thankyou 11/10/11
33. cichlids for sale fry blue zebra aulonocara sale swap or buy : i have 5 cichlids @ aprox 1" i found these in my main tank whilst cleaning it out so im not 100% sure what they are i think they are cobolt blue zebra or pseudotropheus el ... 11/10/11
34. Malawi Fish for sale weymouth www.facebook.com/MalawiFish : Acei Ngara for sale https://www.facebook.com/MalawiFish 10/10/11
35. Full Set Up-Seabray corner fish tank. Dolphin range with Malawi cichlids mbunas : Here I have for sale my seabray corner fish tank. Dolphin range. I think it was custom made as I have not seen one like it before. It's roughly 450ltrs Made from real oak vene ... 10/10/11
36. local breeders wanted for malawi cichlids around 20-30 miles from Kington Herefo ... : Hi, I am a complete novice and have dis-sided to keep Malawi Cichilds. I am looking for local breeders to stock my new tank. Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire or Powys ... 09/10/11
37. Wanted frontosa and blue dolphins northants : I am after dolphins and frontosas 2 inch plus around 8 of each with travel but not to far cash waiting Pls contact me by txt on 07759683050 Or email on slaughterer999@hotmail.com t ... 09/10/11
38. Wanted-female yellow lab 3" + : I'm in need of a yelllow lab female above 3 inch. Tb or f1. Must be available for delivery or I can collect if your in the Leeds area. Text nick on 07510184153. Thank 07/10/11
39. Melanochromis auratus : Hi I have for sale 2 male melanochromis auratus. Fish has about 7cm. I sale both fish for 20 pounds. Merthyr Tydfil 07858485594 06/10/11
40. malawi fry : malawi cichlid fry for sale . red zebras but only few left blue peacocks £1.00 each collection only bedlington have other fry but not sure what they are .. tel... 07707066 ... 06/10/11
41. Edwards Mbuna Ice Blue Cichlids : I have 14 Edwards Mbuna Ice Blue Cichlids for sale i am looking for around 70 for the fish and range from adult all the way to young all sellable age and the big adults are breedin ... 05/10/11
42. Pseudotropheus lombardoi(kenyi) : hi i have a male Pseudotropheus lombardoi for sale around 5" due to over crowding in good health £10. 05/10/11
43. malawi cichlids : hi i have a 5" Pseudotropheus lombardoimale(kenyi)for sale due to over crowding good healh £10.00 thanks 05/10/11
44. champsochromis caeruleus : hi i have for sale my champsochromis caeruleus pair male and female , the male is just starting to go blue looks mint he is around 8 inch female is a lovely silver she is aro ... 05/10/11
45. Wanted Large quantities of ocean rock and coral sand : Rock and sand wanted will collect and have cash waiting call 07841495233, carl 02/10/11
46. Wanted quantity of malawi young fish, fry, breeding groups etc : Hi wanted are all kinds of malawi's and tropheus, single fish to breeding pairs. Young and fry also. Willing to collect. cash waiting call me on 07841495233, thanks carl 02/10/11
47. wanted malawi & tanganyikan cichlids : wanted different types of malawi & tanganyikan cichlids also rams please phone or text 02/10/11
48. Brichardi cichlid FREE to a good home : Hi, all I have very healthy brichardi cichlid FREE to a good home, as i now have too many to deal with, so looking to rehome some. if interested please contact we need them t ... 30/09/11
49. F1 Dakari mbuna for sale cheap : Hi I have abought 12 f1 dakari's for sale from different spawnings so wont inbreed it would be a great future breeding group they are currently at 1inch and starting to show courle ... 30/09/11
50. Group of 30 Demasoni for sale for £60 SOLD SOLD : Hi I have a group of demasoni for sale or swap for marine nano tank the demasoni are all from different blood lines and about 3-4 cm so will make a great future breeding group. hav ... 29/09/11
51. brichardi cichlid FREE to a good home : Hi, all I have very healthy brichardi cichlid FREE to a good home, as i now have too many to deal with, so looking to rehome some. if interested please contact we need them t ... 29/09/11
52. Victorians in Cambridge : 2 surplus adult males pundamilia nyererei makobe red, stunning fish, suitable for robust rift community. trade for female or for £10 juvenile neochromis omnicaeruleus' at 3- ... 29/09/11
53. TROPHEUS IKOLA LONDON : Hi! I have a group of quality F1 Tropheus Ikola ready for-sale. They are around 2 inche in size at the moment,from a different female. £6.50 each or 10 or £60. cheers http://ww ... 29/09/11
54. Entire Stock Malawi Cichlids Including 4 x 2 x 18 inches Tank, Cabinet, lights a ... : There is a mixture of Malawi Cichlids around 30 + Adults and numerous fry of all sizes. 3 large African Catfish. There are some wild Caught fish that I can no longer remember their ... 29/09/11
55. male/female sp44 for sale : hi i have a male 3" and female 2" for sale due to to many fish want £15 for both. contact mo 07824615899. 29/09/11
56. Tilapia Buttikoferi 8 – 9 inches : I have a beautiful Tilapia Buttikoferi for sale. Not sure about the gender, it is between 8 – 9 inches. It feeds and eats very well. Beautiful looking fish with superb colouring ... 29/09/11
57. large fontosa : 2 pairs of large fontosa £30 each or a pair for £50 place4pets billingham 29/09/11
58. L200 green Phantom - Milton Keynes area : Looking for £30 for this stunning female. Would consider swap for malawi or tangs. Can collect if swapping, you pick up if buying. Photo to follow but can text you a photo o ... 26/09/11
59. Malawi Cichlids : looking to stock an 8 foot Malawi tank any young fish considered must be in Kent. mob 07718204186 25/09/11
60. wanted cheap malawis middlesbrough : as listed cheap malawi cichlids wanted any species as long as theyre not overly aggressive text me with details but please dont call i may be busy 25/09/11
61. Protomelas taeniolatus haplochromis red empress pair : Protomelas taeniolatus haplochromis red empress pair 3-4 inch pair £17 ono. please email for any info. thankyou 24/09/11
62. Malawis wanted : Hi all, I have just been given a tank. If anyone has any malawi's they no longer want or have spare could i have them free or cheap as possible. Thank you lyn x 23/09/11
63. malawi young : i have malawi young for sale aulonocara sunsets ice blue gresheki and yellow labs all 2quid each or deals on over 10 21/09/11
64. Melanochromis Auratus Group - Cichlids Malawi - Mbuna : Hi, I have: 3 x melanochromis auratus females and 1 x melanochromis auratus male (all about 2.5 to 3 inches) ONLY £10 for the group! I would consider a swap for other ... 21/09/11
65. 2 X Large Red Parrots for £30 : Sizes between 8inch to 4 inch. Fish is for pick up only from east London. 20/09/11
66. SEE VIDEO AULONOCARA FIREFISH ,MALAWI AND VICTORIAN CICHLIDS MANY DIFFERENT TYPE ... : hi,please click on the 1st web link below to see other malawi cichlds for sale and victorian cichlids for sale, a good all round selection of african cichlids for sale . ...... ... 20/09/11
67. 13 Tropheus Moliro Sub adults (Liverpool) SOLD : 13 Tropheus Moliro Sub adults I’m selling my Tropheus Moliro sub adults to free up some space. There’s 13 of these at approx 1.5-3”. Very chunky healthy fish that have ... 20/09/11
68. WANTED WANTED WANTED CASH WAITING : Any1 in or around worksop willing to deliver im after yellow tail acei, rusty cichlid fire fish, blue dolphin ,synodontis cats ,cobalts or any haps im after pairs or trio's any mal ... 19/09/11
69. Malawi tank clear out : hi i noticed in your add you were lookng for malawi cichlids to add to your collection? hope you still do! I have a number of fish i will be selling this month as beaking down t ... 19/09/11
71. Assorted Cichlids (Malawi) : I have for sale several different species of Malawi Cichlids approx 4 months old and 100% healthy (getting colour nicely) All transfered to another large tank to facilitate growth ... 18/09/11
72. WANTED female blue dolphin or breeding trio. : i am looking for female blue dolphins or a breedind trio. 18/09/11
73. WANTED - Demasoni : 6-7 Demasoni wanted, ideally around 1 - 1.5inch 17/09/11
74. Thank you to ace cichlids : Very happy with fish top quality well worth the money top man many thanks john. 16/09/11
75. 13 malawi 3" to 6" : two 6" electra Three 4" dolphins Three 5" strigatus One 3" yellow lab Four colour select male 5" females 4"~2" £50 the lot 16/09/11

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