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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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Malawi Cichlids & Tanganyikan Cichlids
 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE LAST STOCK AVAILABLE : Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER ...06/03/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...06/03/25

1. 13 malawi 3" to 6" : two 6" electra Three 4" dolphins Three 5" strigatus One 3" yellow lab Four colour select male 5" females 4"~2" £50 the lot 16/09/11
2. zebra obliquidens : I have a batch of zebra obliquidens for sale about 3 months old. £1.25 each or 5 for £5.00 And will have more soon as she is holding again Thanks Paula 15/09/11
3. synodontis x2 and 1x cuckoo cat fish 6" for sale £30 the lot : as above !! we have the above for sale we will take £20 for cuckoo cat fish and £10 for both synodontis as there a pair please get in touch as need them gone asap Thanks 15/09/11
4. Labidochromis Caeruleus (White ) sorted thanx : hi everyone im after some of these fish young (x6) or adult(x2pr)money waiting for right fish must be able to post unless local west midlands phone or email me thanx paul.. 15/09/11
5. malawi cichlids, high quality, loverly colours Auratus : Hi, I currently have available the following: Melanochromis Auratus group -2.5 to 3inches (3 x female 1 x male) £12 for the four (pics 2 and 4 are of the actual fish) Pse ... 15/09/11
6. Adult / Breeding Malawis WANTED - Northants, Leciester, Bedford, Cambridge : As title says im looking for any adult malawi cichlids. Any type considered, especially if they are a breeding pair / trio / group. Good money waiting im not looking for them ... 14/09/11
7. lge male duboisi for sale : lge male duboisi roughly 4 inch stunning looking fish £10 14/09/11
8. rostratum male wanted 4inch plus : Hi there I have.just got myself a mint looking rostratum female and she is a bout 9inch so need a decent size male for her Many thanks brendan Please text or phone 079392 ... 14/09/11
9. cichlids wanted please read : im mainly after some frontosa or venustus for my main tank prefer good breeding ratio i.e 1m/3f may consider other fish but must be cichlids prefer malawis cheers text what you go ... 13/09/11
10. Ahli breeding trio, breeding group of labs, C.azureus trio, obliquidens group an ... : ahli trio 1m 2f £6.00ea copadichromis azureus 1m 2f £6.00ea astatotilapia calliptera 3m 2f £6.00ea astatotilapia latifasciata 1m 4f £5.00ea ... 13/09/11
11. NOW SOLDmalawi haps for sale now reduced £70 the lot 13 adults 10 youngsters mi ... : dimidochromis compressiceps male 8 inches copidochromis borleyi male 7/8 inches Haplochromis sp.44 male 4-5 inches aulonacara male blue/black 6 inches aulonacara male 4 inches ... 13/09/11
12. Assorted Malawi cichlids for sale : 2 x Adult Perlmutt Cichlids and one juvenile 5 x Yellow Labs 2 x Hybrid Juveniles 1 x Juvenile malawi cichlid (Not sure on species) I also have 2 large plecos, one is just ... 13/09/11
13. malawi fish for sale : nimbochromis venustus aprox 7" adult 1 male and 2 females £60 labidochromis caeruleus "yellow labs" from 2" £3/£6 copadichromis afra white top ap ... 13/09/11
14. fish : hi all 9 frontosa for sale or swap 2 to 4 inch swap for equipment or haps plus 4 8 inch frontosa for sale or swap 01980 623158 13/09/11
15. malawi sale : 5 frontosa an inch to 2 offers young yellow labs, maybe a few dolphin one brichardi 3 inch elongatus mpanga, ahli and a young elongatus neon spot 3 pound each or 4 for 10 pound rin ... 12/09/11
16. sale.... BLUE ZEBRA fry : around 20-25 fry at 1-1.5 inch very healthy, will sell in bulk or indevidually. 50p each contact me by email chandyuk@yahoo.co.uk location... cheadle stoke on trent thanks ... 12/09/11
17. Mbuna Breeding Stock For Sale : I have a breeding group of labeotropheus trewavasae 'Mpanga' around 5-6", 1 male & 4 females, two of the females are holding as we speak, had plenty of fry from these, £40 A br ... 12/09/11
18. moori : my fish have just laid eggs a good number of them thery are variabilichromis moori kambwebwe , if i can raise these would any one be intrested in them ,and also what is the best wa ... 11/09/11
19. Large synodontis Catfish for sale or swap : Large synodontis Catfish for sale or swap. Contact for details 10/09/11
20. sp44 young 4....5 cm can post : selling young showing nice couller 2,50 each or 5 for 10 pound 07979048150 please look at my ather adds 10/09/11
21. blue demonsi chiclids : anyone got any blue demonsi chiclids for sale contact me plz trev on 07707066800 thanks 09/09/11
22. 15+- various sizes : Looking for quick sale. Make me an offer 09/09/11
23. Altolamprologus dwarf compressiceps Sumbu : I have 4 Altolamprologus dwarf compressiceps Sumbu for sale. Definately 1 male amongst the four. I' am looking for £20ono for all four Thanks for looking Ben. 07/09/11
24. 4 Foot take for sale £250 : tank for sale 48 x 18 x 24 tank With Stand and lighting Contact Ross Via Facebook Around £250.00 The fish do not come with the Tank Many Thanks Ross Ackworth WF7 07/09/11
25. 7x, yellow labs.for sale or swop for other tropical fish : we have 7 maybe 8 yellow labs for sale there is 1 thats 4", 3x 2.5" 3x1" all sizes are approx, dont know what sex they are please call for further info, thank chris 06/09/11
26. malawi fish : i have sunsets yellow labs and ice blue gresheki all malawis under a inch big deals on over 10 or 2quid each 06/09/11
27. Tropheous for sale : 16 tropheos 10 firecracker 3 duboisi 3 bricardi open to offers on the group all fish around 3 inch feeding on spirulina collection only thanks 07706356678 06/09/11
28. F1 Malawi Cichlids for sale. : I have some lovely F1 Malawi Cichlids for sale. All are in great condition, photo's of available on request. I will follow up with a video soon. Buyer to collect please. F1 Elong ... 06/09/11
29. WANTED Frontosa zaire blue moba female or females. : Wanted female or females Frontosa Ziare blue moba 4" and above in size Will travel to purchase and also will pay extra for delivery if you are a really long distance away P ... 05/09/11
30. White top afra (cynotilapia) fry for sale : Got 10 White top afra (cynotilapia) fry for sale. They were stripped 3 months ago and are bright blue and very healthy. Parents can be seen on collection. Selling for £4 each o ... 05/09/11
31. Tropheous for sale : Need this group gone asap as im getting sum rays reasonable offers 3 duboisi 3 bracardi 10 moliro (firecracker) 07706356678 04/09/11
32. Tropheous for swop : Any1 wana swop sum stingray pups for 3 dubosi 10 moliro (firecracker) 4 bracardi all fish are in perfect health and fantastic colours these fish are for sale unless sum1 has stingr ... 04/09/11
33. wanted : hi im looking for red malawi 04/09/11
34. Large Fish : Hi all i was wondering if any one out there have any large fish to put in my 6ft tank. I have a pair of large Oscars and i am trying to find some large fish to put with them. thank ... 02/09/11
35. Malawi young for sale : Malawi young for sale, ps flavus , vc10s, acei White tail, jacobfreighi, yellow labs , albino, Auarutus , peacock , johanni, and lots more to list over 44 malawi young starting fr ... 02/09/11
36. Various African cichlids and bristlenose plecs for sale in Devon : I have for sale various African Cichlids ranging from fry to fish of approx 6-7inches. The fish include Golden cichlids, sudotropheus elongatus, Flowerhorn, cobalt blue, zebra obli ... 31/08/11
37. 10 livingstone cichlids to swap : hello ....i have 10 livingstone cichlids for swaps ... they are about 10 months old ... about 2 1/2 to 3 inches long and in very good health ... i would like too swap them for ot ... 30/08/11
38. Malawis for sale in Exmouth DEVON SELLING UP reduced Prices : Malawi's ranging from 2-7cms. Lombardi, 2-3cm £1 ea . Sulphur Heads £3 ea 15 left Benji Benga £3 ea 20 left Yellow labs. 4-6cm £1ea 30 left Obliquin's 4-6cm £2ea , . M ... 30/08/11
39. Only 20 Left Obliquins 5-7cms deals on large numbers. : I have aprox 20 obliquin's at 4-6cm's in length. They are £2 each or 6 for £10. Or make me an offer. Males showing lovely colour Collect only from Exmouth Devon 30/08/11
40. Lombardi 2-3cm s Aprox 60 available. : I have aprox 60 Lombardi. They are bright blue stripped and a bright addition to any tank. The males turn yellow again a nice bright fish. New Batch of about 60, 2-3 cms. Nee ... 30/08/11
41. Red Obliquins 4-7 cm s. Only 10 Left : I have aprox 10 Red Obliquins for sale, they are 4-7 cm in length and the males are now showing bright colour. The first 3 pictures are of the actual fish for sale, Sori not gre ... 30/08/11
42. SULPHUR HEADS 4-6cms : I have NOW aprox 15 young sulphur Heads (Lathebaites). These are stunning fish and would be an addition to anyones tank. £3 ea. Collect only 30/08/11
43. frontosa x4 male burundi 5-6 inch : I have for sale or swap x4 male burundi 5-6 inch £20 each or £75 for 4. Or will swap for similar size females. fish are all in good condition and showing good colouration and f ... 29/08/11
44. Cichilds Free Blue Dolphins Jewel Plus More : Hello There Im trying to make way to set up a marine aquaruim and have a few fish free to a good home they are 2 Blue Dolphins 2-3 inch 1 jewel cichild 4 inch a commo ... 29/08/11
45. breeding pair of tropheous duboisi : Would like a swap for the pair female might still be holding please ring or txt as cant get my emails 29/08/11
46. F1 TROPHURS IKOLA AND MPANGA ALL ABOUT 3-4cm lot for £75 : I HAVE .6-TROPHUES IKOLA £50 lot-sold .15-MPANGA 5 for £10 i can also throw in 3ice blue malawi 1 rusty and 1 jwuelcichlid if every bought for 80 THESE ARE QUALITY FISH F ... 29/08/11
47. F1 Lab. Fuelleborni Katale & Cynotilapia Afra Mbweca : F1 Lab.Fuelleborni Katale: 1 pair 2.5-3" and another possibly female 2" - £20 6X 1.5-2.5" F1 Cyn.Afra Mbweca juvies - £20 27/08/11
48. red zebra cichlid malawi ( london) sold sold : Red Zebra Cichlid £2.50 each, sizes 2 3 INCHES great color collection. PSUEDOTROPHEUS red zebra (sold) 07543664965. london THANKS FOR LOOKING 26/08/11
49. 3 foot tank and and 50 malawi for sale : for sale 3 foot fluval tank full set up with 50 malawi black or canchange to grey 220 pound 02920865831 26/08/11
50. Cyrtocara moorii (blue dolphins)young pairs : Cyrtocara moorii young pairs 3+inches already showing signs of breeding £10 a pair 25/08/11
51. Yellow Labs : I have 2 males and 2 small females...will swap for 1 adult female or sell all 4 for £16. Daz 07727209510 25/08/11
52. tropical fish for sale aberdeen : the list for this month 10x morii dolphin cichlids £5each 4-5cm 1x mozambi taliapa £5 4-5cm 1x zebra taliapa £5 4-5cm 6x galaxis catfish £7.50each 5cm 5x reed/snakefish £ ... 24/08/11
53. large tank at least 6.5ft by 3ft for mbu puffer fish : need at least tank 6ft by 3ft for my puffer fish scotland only if anyone selling one please contact me as i need to get a real large tank contact anne speirs on 01236 603847 23/08/11
54. Complete Cichlid Setup for sale : Rena Aqualife 450 (150x50x70, - 5ft) with beech cabinet, with Fluval FX5 filter, PLUS 2 main, 1 reserve heaters, Good rock, PLUS Breeding Demasoni, PLUS Breeding Yellow Labs, Plus ... 22/08/11
55. Fry for sale : i have both julie and fairy cichlid fry for sale, ranging from 1-3.5cm long £2.50 each or could negotiate for groups bought, please ring if interested 07817889242 22/08/11
56. Frontosa Mpimbwe Blue : For sale, fully grown adult male Frontosa - Mpimbwe Blue. Proven fertile male, approximately 12 inches long. I loist his mate about a month ago and now not breeding any more have s ... 21/08/11
57. Cichlids and the Other Fishes of Lake Malawi by Ad Konings : For Sale Cichlids and the Other Fishes of Lake Malawi by Ad Konings EBAY link below 21/08/11
58. frontosa : WANTED 7 - 10in male and female frontosa around birmingham or burton area 20/08/11
59. Cichlids for sale - Plymouth : For sale: melanochromis auratus, paralabidochromis (rock kribensis), pseudotropheus salousi, all at 1.5 to 2 inches. pauljeal@hotmail.com or 07792537016(sorry fish are pick up on ... 20/08/11
60. SEE VIDEO ,pseudotropheus elongatus chewere : hi,please click on the 1st web link below to see other malawi cichlds for sale and victorian cichlids for sale, a good all round selection of african cichlids for sale . ...... ... 20/08/11
61. tropheops gracillor fry : faily rare tropheops species adults reach around 11cm males are blue bodied with black band across dorsal fin which is highlighted in yellow females are orange/yellow i have 21 f ... 20/08/11
62. F1 malawi cichlids fore sale from wild parents : hi, i have some F1 young fish for sale and some exciting fry growing on that will be ready soon. Aulonocara usisya F1 Aulonocara baenchi benga F1 Aulonocara lwanda F1 ... 20/08/11
63. Juwel Vision 180 aquarium - Malawi Setup : For Sale Juwel Vision 180 full malawi setup On Ebay Item Number - 110729193439 Juwel Bow Vision 180 Tank With Cabinet ( beech) Including Lights Fluval 405 Externa ... 19/08/11
64. Burundi frontosa x1 male 11 cm for sale : Burundi frontosa x1 approximatly 11 cm Male Beautiful black and white in colour as you can see in the picture Very Friendly fish will accept £30.00 ono no time ... 18/08/11
65. malawi cichlids : malawi fry for sale about half inch in size Yellow Labs, Ice blue gresheki and Sunset Peacocks £2 each or deals on more than 10 ponardawe 18/08/11
66. frontosa wanted cheap ish south wales : hi id like to buy a group of frontosa to go in my tank, but i cant afford crazy lfs prices, is therr any one breeding get in touch plz thanks marc 18/08/11
67. LOOKING FOR AULONOCARA CICHLID BREEDER IN THE SOUTH : As the title says looking for a breeder or someone who may have some of this breed for sale please contact me with details many thanks 16/08/11
68. Male Venustus (Tank Bred) : Large (6") male venustus,tank bred, but stunning fish, fully coloured,superb fin colour,in exellent condition,ideal breeding fish.Due to change round,have no room for him.will cons ... 16/08/11
69. malawi cichlids : 4 yellow labs 3 firefish 3 auratis all around 3" open to offers or swap please ring or txt cant get my emails 16/08/11
70. Fluval Roma 240 & African Cichlids Complete Set-Up : I bought an ex-display roma 240 in 'black and silver' (I forget the funky 'official' names for the colours). Was a dry display tank so hadn't seen water. I used it only for a coupl ... 15/08/11
71. tilapia : i have a tilapia approx 5in for sale in excellent condition £10 14/08/11
72. frontosa : i have for sale a frontosa approx 6in in mint condition £20ono 14/08/11
73. breeding pair of parrot fish : hi i am breaking down my tank i have a breeding pair of parrot fish the male is pink and the female yellow they breed frequently, i actually have some of there offspring in the tan ... 14/08/11
74. ALL NOW SOLD ....SPECIAL OFFER,Malawi mbuna : hi, i need to make some room for new species fry so i am running a special offer until the 30th of july 2011. the offer consists of the following species 4 x cynotilapia a ... 14/08/11
75. Flowerhorns wanted : Flowerhorn cichlids wanted. Preferably no bigger then 2 inch, but wouldn't really matter if bigger. Pay good money within reason. Contact 07919123281, thanks 14/08/11

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