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1Yellow wrasse for sale :yellow wrasse for sale. lovely fish about 2 inches in size. eats anything. £20 ono. open to offers as need gone asap as waiting to shut ...18/10/13
2marine corals :Hi im after some bright and fluorescent corals for my cube tank! Anything considered as long as it pings out under blues!! frags or colonies ...17/10/13
3selection of tropical fish for sale :Large selection of tropical fish for sale txt me what yr looking for and wil let u know if we have it and for how much, mostly specializing ...13/10/13
4Pair of True perc clown and hosting nem Southampton :I have a pair of wild caught true percs and nem I have had them for almost two years hardly ever leave the nem stunning markings have starte ...13/10/13
5young labs :Yellow labs approximately 1 inch £1.00 each12/10/13
6Aqua One 270ltr Tank brand new £550 :Hi, we are regretfully selling this tank as it won't fit in our new house. We bought it at our last house and held off filling it knowing we ...12/10/13
8Free Tropical Fish :I have approx 50 healthy tropical freshwater fish that need a new home, including 2 large Angels, 6 Pearl Gourami, 6 Rosy Barbs, 2 Clown Loa ...09/10/13
9geophagus steindachneri :geophagus steindachneri wanted can you help pref females in Hampshire txt or call on 0789141082107/10/13
10tds metre £5 portsmouth :Tds metre for testing ro water great condition06/10/13
11corals :Hello I'm looking for soft corals i.e zoas, mushrooms and any other softies about wiltshire pewsey 0777151105905/10/13
12WANTED..... :Does anyone have a Mature male Corydoras Peppered cat fish as I have a spawning female without a mate. Need as soon as possible.also unusual ...04/10/13
13Fully stocked Jewel Rio 400 tank system :All less than 1 year old, excellent condition. Jewel Rio 400 tank, rock and root backdrop. Matching dark wood cabinet. External Eheim 207 ...03/10/13
14tropical fish for sale :Loads of different tropical fish for sale, if interested let me know what ur after by txt and can let u know if i have it and the price, che ...02/10/13
1514 Koi for Sale £400 ono :14 Koi for sale, we believe a mix of, Kohaku, Sanki, and Matsuba. Would prefer them to all go together if possible. Various sizes from appro ...01/10/13
16Forsale maroon clown fish 3"+ £15 or with purple tip anemone £45 :as above please call or txt me on 0787481548629/09/13
17arcadia ot2 t5 4x 39w tubes light unit £50 :all in perfect working order just needs 1 new tube lengh of unit is 1 metre long double switch and plugs please call or txt me on 0787481548 ...29/09/13
19Wanted Mature Live Rock 18kgs :Looking for 18kgs of live rock i am in the andover hampshire area and willing to collect my email is robby_90@hotmail.co.uk29/09/13
20tropical fish for sale :Wide range of tropical fish for sale, community and non comunity; malawi cichlids, corys, red tailed sharks, ruby sharks normal and albino, ...28/09/13
21Proven pair of Angelfish for sale Female Silver wild Male Clown silver Wild :I have bred this pair several times but have to sell because I have decided to stop breeding fish. All the young bred had the clown trait. T ...27/09/13
22Wanted a pair of bristlenose plecs :Wanted a pair of bristlenose plecs. I have a well established large tropical tank. Cash waiting for a pair of bristlenose plecs. I live in ...26/09/13
23Goldfish needs rehoming :We have a goldfish which has grown to big for it's tank and needs rehoming. Fish is approximately 7 years old and about 10 inches from tip t ...25/09/13
24selection of tropical fish for sale :Selection of tropical fish for sale txt for fish and prices24/09/13
253ft Classic Cabinet £300 ono with marine rock, livestock :3ft Classic Cabinet aquarium. includes Aquaray led lighting, marisys series 11 filter Acc, two Maroon clowns all the rock and A Cowrie24/09/13
26juwel rio 240 beech tank :160 ono, juwel rio 240 4ft tank and stand, light unit and one bulb. Good condition, had fish in it until yesterday when we bought a bigger ...23/09/13
272x Tunze 6000s and 7095 controller :Selling my 2x Tunze 6000's, 2x 7240.27 drivers, 2x power pucks 7210.2020, 2 magnets 6080.50 and a 7095 controller, 2x leads to connect to th ...22/09/13
28Marisys 240 - spares or repair £20 :Having recently shut down my tank i have a Marisys 240 for sale complete with overflow box, priming pump and air pump, however i got a zap f ...22/09/13
29selection of koi :I have a selection of koi that i am selling as my pond isnt ready yet vary in size. they are currently housed in my 1000 gallon vat... th ...22/09/13
30RO Unit unused reverse osmosis full setup £65 :Rs50 Includes all you need to start producing RO water. Brought for £120 Haven't used it and will sell for £65 ONO20/09/13
31LIVE ROCK WANTED :As above live rock needed can collect reasonable prices please!18/09/13
32nexus eazy pod with the k1 media. :i have for sale a nexus eazy pod with the k1 media. it hasnt been used for approx 3 weeks so will need a good rinse.... this is in pe ...17/09/13
33Givin up, clear out :Description: I have 2 tiger oscars 1 white 1 black both 8" £15 Polypterus weeksii 12" £30 Bristle nose free 4ft tank and li ...16/09/13
34Predators for sale :I have 2 tiger oscars 1 white 1 black both 8" £15 Polypterus Senegal 8" £10 Polypterus ornate 10" £20 Polypterus weeksi ...16/09/13
35external filter for sale :Selling 1 of my aquamanta efx 600 filters as really do not need 2, very good filter, comes with most of the media and pipework £75ovno txt ...15/09/13
36Fluval G6 Filtration System :Fluval G6 for aquariums up to 600 l/132 gal, 28w, 1000lph filter flow rate, 2460 lph pump performance. The Fluval G6 Filtration System in us ...14/09/13
37female severum :hello i have 2 yellow female severum 5 inch both proven breeding 15 pound the pair . 1 blue faced female severum 9 inch proven breeder 10 p ...13/09/13
38RARE (10 Polyp) Fruit Loop Zoa Coral :Zoa: Fruit Loops Number of polyps: 10 Price: £20 Care: Easy to keep, likes medium flow water rate and moderate to bright light. ...08/09/13
39Silver Arowana 12inchs :Hi I have a 12inch Silver Arowana for sale only reason for sale is wanting to change tank setup. The only bad point is he has drop eye in bo ...06/09/13
40Interpet 125l tropical tank + accessorie £100 :For sale interpet 125l fish tank Included in sale will be tank, black cabinet, filstar xp3 external filter (requires new media), heater, ...06/09/13
41full set up for sale or individual as priced :3 x dubosi from 2.5 inch to 3.5 inch 10 pound each 1x 3.5 frontosa 10 pound 1x ikola 3,5 inch 17.50 1x ornatus 5 pound 6x yellow fin ace ...05/09/13
42Shut down pond and have equipment for sale Gosport, Portsmouth, Southampton, Hav ... :Hi everyone, i shut down my pond and now have some equipment for sale so grab a bargain. A 7ft net from handle to top of net A large U ...04/09/13
43wanted cheap malawi and tang pairs :looking for cheap Malawi and tang pairs local as poss plz txt or call04/09/13
44aquamanta efx 600 external filter for sale :I had 2 of these on my 4ft fish tank and no longer have a 4ft as upgraded to 5ft and also got a fx5 so am keeping 1 but the other is no long ...04/09/13
454ft Marine Tank and Unit :Reluctant sale of our 4' x 2' x 1.5' Marine Tank. Complete set up; tank, unit, sump, LED lighting, power heads, pump, skimmer, heater, test ...03/09/13
46frontosa for sale :I am selling my last 2 frontosa 3/4 inches £25 each or £40 the two txt or call plz31/08/13
47Carp :Beautiful small carp. All the different types; commons,fullys,leathers,zips,ghosties and dotted scales. Come from a very healthy spring-fe ...31/08/13
48Koi fish and pump filter for sale :My father after owning koi for the last 25 years is now regrettably selling,,he has a mixture of app 20 koi ranging in sizes from 12 to 28 i ...29/08/13
49malawis :Various malawis for sale bubble bees, yellow labs, etc no sensible offer refused29/08/13
50Live rock 10 kgs :10 kgs of very mature live rock £40 collection Eastleigh bring a bucket have about 40kgs in total 0788918683628/08/13
51for sale fx5 :Fluval fx5 with new anti tangle pipes vgc was used on my 6ft marine tank along with a 30 watt UV with new bulb and new hose tails vgc sell a ...26/08/13
52Piranha for sale (P. Piraya, P. Maculipinnis, S. Rhombeus) :Have for sale: 13" Piraya 5" Piraya 9" Pristobrycon Maculipinnis (RARE, only 2 in the UK) 7" Xingu Rhombeus Pic ...23/08/13
53large parrot :i have a large parrot for sale 9"x5" i would like around £50 or would consider a swap for other fish. let me know thanks. i'm in ...22/08/13
543 inch Green Ricordea £15 :Stunning 3 inch green ricordea. Will illuminate under LED lighting at night. Ideal for beginners or experienced marine fish & coral keepe ...21/08/13
55Large Elegance Coral £60 :Large Elegance coral around 9 to 10 inches in length and 3 to 4 inches wide depending on the time of the day. Stunning coral that will il ...21/08/13
56Yellow bellied slider for sale :Yellow bellied slider for sale with terainium. Slider is 2.5-3inches so still a baby. Very friendly. Comes with a complete setup including t ...19/08/13
572 ft arcadia t5 light unit :as above i have a 2 ft arcadia light unit with 4 t5 bulbs that are only about 2 months old. (2 blue 2 white). come with hanging wires but no ...18/08/13
58420L Solid Oak Aquarium :It's in a perfect condition, and only about 6 months old I'm selling due to changing to a marine tank. The cabinet is 180cm in length it ...17/08/13
59Tank and stand :Fish tank with working light unit on stand. Measures about 60cm wide, 35 tall 30 deep. The stand is in very good condition measures 62 x 56 ...17/08/13
60Miracle Mud 3lb/1,4 kilo brand new...still sealed :As above, great for refugiums and sumps. Makes your corals and fish thrive and look amazing! Real good stuff, unopened as I have now sold m ...15/08/13
61Aquamarine 900 marine fish tank :Hi I have for sale aquamarine 900 complete set up with filtration unit, built in skimmer, lighting, RO-DI filter, approximately 35 kg of ...11/08/13
63Tunze 6100s, 7095 Controller, Tunze Stream Rocks and magnets :I have changed direction as I bought a complete set up, so do not need the equipment collected up. 2 x Tunze 6100 pumps (with driver and ...07/08/13
64dead coral :2 pieces of dead coral £10 ono phone Southampton 02380420682.03/08/13
65dead coral :3 pieces of dead coral £5 each ono phone Southampton 0238042068203/08/13
66dead coral :dead coral for sale £10 o n o phone Southampton 0238042068203/08/13
67Selection of tropical fish for sale :Im selling my full set up with fish but would save me some hassle if i could sell the fish first and quickly to a good home! The fish inc ...01/08/13
68Juwel Vision 450 tropical fish tank with loads of extras :The 450L juwel vision bow front is a really impressive tank and my pride and joy but I have come to a stage where I need the space for other ...01/08/13
693ft corner fish tank :Here I have a 3ft corner fish tank for sale £ 200. It comes with 2 heaters 3 filters gravel orderments plants air stone brand new light and ...31/07/13
70mated pair of black&white clownfish :i am selling my stunning pair of black clownfish due to closing the tank down they are 100% healthy in every way and feed on all foods b ...30/07/13
71marine fish tank contents :i am selling the sontents of my marine tank which are as follow 5x true mexican turbo snails (large) which have been breeding so there ...30/07/13
72MCE 300 protein skimmer £60....will take 50 if gone today :As above good working condition, surplus to requirements28/07/13
73Juwel Trigon 350 full set up with fish and extras :A complete Trigon 350 with Black stand and extras including Fish and additional filtration. As well as the internal filter, the tank has ex ...27/07/13
74aquarium accessories for sale, :I have a few air pumps, heaters and other bits kicking around, plz txt or call. thanks26/07/13
75wanted haps and alunacara :Looling at added a few more breeding pairs or groups, money waiting for the right fiah at the right price, mostly looking for hap ahli elec ...26/07/13
76Ultra Rare Labeo barbatus :Imported directly to me, so a very rare african cyprinid. £10 Collection from Basingstoke. Can deliver for small cost within reason25/07/13
77Ultra Rare Labeo calbasu :Imported directly to me, so a very rare african cyprinid. £10 Collection from Basingstoke. Can deliver for small cost within reason25/07/13
78Ultra Rare Bangana behri/decora :Purchased a couple of years ago as a behri, but not iterly sure it is as no hump is shwoing yet. So could be a decora instead. A very rare a ...25/07/13
79Very mature live rock for sale :Very mature live rock for sale collection Eastleigh Southampton 0788918683625/07/13
80Reef Life KH Buffer 1kg :3/4 full £525/07/13
81Rowa Kalk 1000ml used once 99% full :As above £5 Costs £17 brand new25/07/13
82Deltec MCE 300 protein skimmer :As above perfect working order £6025/07/13
83OR SALE : Huge aquarium ship wreck in excellent condition. :OR SALE : Huge aquarium ship wreck in excellent condition. Comes in 3 parts Length 30.5" , height 11" , width 5" £30 ono Sholing , Southa ...25/07/13
84Deltec MCE 300 protein skimmer £70 ono :As above good working order24/07/13
85rock for marine tank :2 pieces of rock for marine tank £10 phone Southampton 0238042068222/07/13
86lobster :lobster for sale £8 phone Southampton 0238042068222/07/13
873 fish for sale :3 fish for sale £15 phone22/07/13
88dead coral :dead coral for sale all for £5 phone Southampton 0238042068222/07/13
892 foot fish tank with light in lid :2 foot fish tank with light in lid for sale £10 phone Southampton 0238042068222/07/13
903 foot fish tank with stand :3 foot fish tank and stand for sale £20 phone Southampton 0238042068222/07/13
91Deltec MCE 300 protein skimmer :As above good condition. £7022/07/13
92proven breeding pair / bricardi princess of burundi :I have a proven unrelated breeding pair of bricardi princess of burundi . i am after 15.00 pounds feel free to view before purchase and ple ...22/07/13
93malawis :juvinile rustys inch to inch and a half £2.50 each. juvinile metrecliama greshekia inch to inch and a half £2.50 each. juvinile frye ...22/07/13
94jewel cichlids for sale or swap :jewel cichlids for sale or swap. unrelated parents and great colour . fry are around inch to inch and a half and feeding and colouring we ...22/07/13
95FOR SALE : Large aquarim castle ornament . In excellent condition Length: 11&quo ... :FOR SALE : Large aquarim castle ornament . In excellent condition Length: 11" height 10" £10 Sholing , Southampton21/07/13
96large size fish :Hi all I am after any large cichlids to go with my 3 large oscars in my 6 x 2 x 2 also any catfish etc ...19/07/13
97Complete tropical fish tank set up - £30 :Aqua One Aquastart 500 tank, 65L. Full set up includes the tank,lights, cabinet stand, external filter, thermometer, heater, gravel, plants, ...18/07/13
98Closing my marine tank loads for sale Southampton :I am giving up marine for a while due to personal reasons everything has to go collection from Eastleigh Cleaner shrimp £10 Purple nem ...16/07/13
99trigon 350 for sale :Selling for a friend trigon corner fish tank holds 350 litres very nice tank, comes with stand and both lighting units but 1 does need looki ...15/07/13
100Miracle Mud 3lb/1,4 kilo unopened :As above bought it to use in my refugium but don't have one anymore. £2014/07/13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 

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