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Home :: Koi, Goldfish & Ponds

  The Koi Keepers Volumes 1,2,3,4,5 DVD

The Koi Keepers Volumes 1,2,3,4,5 DVD

The Koi Keepers Volumes 1,2,3,4,5 DVD

The Koi Keepers Volumes 1,2,3,4,5 DVD

The Koi Keepers Volumes 1,2,3,4,5 DVD

The Koi Keepers Volumes 1,2,3,4,5 DVD

Description: "The Koi Keepers", an in-depth look at 7 fanatical hobbyists and their own pond systems. The programme discusses many aspects of the hobby and features on-screen interviews with the keepers themselves, as they bowl for you some of their koi.

A truly excellent programme, beautifully filmed and presented, "The Koi Keepers" is an inspiration for anyone wanting to pursue this hobby.

Real People... Real Ponds...

Volume 1 takes a trip onto the continent, where koi keeping has exploded over the last few years, to see the subtle differences in the way Europeans approach the hobby. Each pond featured was built by the owner, proving that the hobby of koi keeping is for everyone.

Volume 2 again takes an in-depth look at seven outstanding Koi ponds, discussing with their owners he merits of the various systems. A number of high class, prize-winning koi ponds, discussing with their owners the merits of the various systems. A number of high class, prize-winning koi are also bowled for the camera, giving the viewer a close up look at some truly awesome Nishikigoi.

Volume 3 features and incredibly diverse range of Koi ponds, and meets the dedicated individuals who manage these awesome systems. Many award-winning koi are featured, specifically the 2003 BKKS Grand Champion, resplendent in her stunning home pond.

Volume 4 features some of the most famous names on the UK koi keeping circuit, people whose dedication and service to the hobby dates back many years. Many award-winning koi are bowled and shown, allowing the viewer a close up view of some truly high class Nishikigoi.

The fifth and final in the world-renowned series, this programme visits not only some spectacular Koi ponds, but also some highly knowledgeable and experienced Koi keepers, people who can offer a great deal of advice to hobbyists at all levels.

Please email me for further info

Contact Information
Advertiser: John
Telephone: 07838091140
Town: Lancashire
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/02/21 Views: 919]

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