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  are you after any type of fish?? we can get it!!!!!

Description: HI
we are a small business, being run from my fish house. and our goal is to provide cheap, excellent quality fish at very competetive prices.
because we are not a shop, we do not need inflated prices to pay for employees, etc.
all we pay for is the electricity, the food, and the equipment. because of this we do not need to make masses of profit to cover our costs. this is reflected on our prices.
for example:
2 adult hemidopsis gracilis for £15.00
10 convict cichlids for £4.00
20 neons for £10.00
2 giraffe nosed catfish for £12.50
2 synodontis sp. for £7.50
2 adult slender nosed pikes for £35.00
4 goldfish for £4.50
cheap plants(temporarily sold out)
gravel:£1.00 per full medium fish bag
bristlenose catfish:£1.50 to £4.50 depending on size
L59a ancistrus sp.:£12.50
guppies :£0.50
this is a small list of what we have in at the moment, but we can get hold of countless more species, mainly from south and central america, but also from other areas.
for more info please call 07950 374176
or email
or visit our website for all our fish, and info on us, as well as an order form.
thank you

*this applies only to orders over £17.50, price depends on amount

Contact Information
Advertiser: acc aquatics
Telephone: 07950 374176
Town: beaconsfield
County: buckinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/06/06 Views: 3181]

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