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Home :: Retailers & Services

  New store open in South Shields

Description: We are a new store in South Shields supplying freshwater fish and dry goods. Good selection dry goods including Fluval, Seachem, Ocean Nutrition, Tetra plus more
Open 10 til 6 Monday to Saturday
12 til 4 Sunday
Current stocklist
Trops -
Rainbow platy
Blue neon platy
Texas cichlid
Parrot cichlid
Green severums
Gold severums
Bolivian rams
Small bristlenose
Longfin bristlenose
Xl wild bristlenose
Clown plec
L128 blue phantom
L191 royal panaque
S American bumblebee cats
Pygmy cory
Melini cory
Albino cory
Chocolate gourami
iDwarf gourami
Male fighters
Female fighters
Male crowntail fighters
Female crowntail fighters
Galaxy rasbora
Gold harlequins
Zebra danio
Albino widow tetra
Black neon tetra
Cardinal tetra
Glassbloodfin tetra
Neon tetra
Rummynose tetra
Silver dollars
Gold pencils
Red rainbows
Madagascan rainbows
Small angels
Medium/large angels
Dantum / Albino dantum angels
Nice mix of male guppys
Female guppys
Blue dietzenbach guppys
Endler guppys (pairs)
Rosy barb / Longfin rosy barb
Chequer barb
Gold tinfoil barb ( albino )
Filamentosa barbs
Silver sharks
Queen loach
Dwarf chain loach
Sucking loach
Aulonocara -Blue red Gold

Haplochromis Moori
Haplochromis Sulphar head
Gephyrochromis acei ( white fin )
Synodontis decora
Synodontis eupteus
Synodontis pardalis

Cold -
Mixed fantails
Red ryukin
Red cap oranda

Were at tyne terrace south shields NE34 0NF

Contact Information
Advertiser: Shield Aquatics
Town: South Shields
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/11/14 Views: 2301]

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