Tropical Coldwater and Marine Fish
Trigon 190 in white
Trigon 190 in beech £225
Rio 240 in beech £250
Trigon 350 £350
Rio 125 in beech £150
New and second hand fish tanks in stock Call Shop for More Details 01362 692532
Tropical fish
Angel Fish Small Medium and Large, Silver Dollars, Neon Tetras, Rummy Nose, Silver Sharks, Elephant Nose, Pims Pictus, Clown Loach, Danios, Guppies, Mollies, Platties, Corys and much more.
We have a Wide Range of Tropical Plants in Stock
openning times Mon-Sat 9-5 Sun 10-1
Contact Information Advertiser: Chris/Jade Telephone: 01362 692532
Town: Dereham
County: Norfolk
Web Link: http://www.mapleaquatics.co.uk
Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/02/13 Views: 1495]