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  Copepod Feed, Pod Feed

Description: Copepod Feed

We have blended a concentration of primarily brown and some green algae's together, ideal for culturing copepods. Copepods are relatively easy to care for and maintain and feed primarily on brown microalgae.

They can also feed on green algae such as Nannochloropsis and Tetraselmis , however most of these algae will pass right through their digestive tracts and not provide any nutrition.

Our Pod Feed has an 80% concentration of brown algae & 20% green algae.

How Much Do I Feed

You will only need a few drops at a time to feed your copepods, the aim is to add enough drops to turn your culture water a light brown colour. Our Pod Feed remains suspended in the water column without fouling the water.

Copepods can live in your main tank, your refugium, or in a separate dedicated system. In your main tank they will be eaten and depleted by your fish and corals. In your refugium they will thrive since there are no predators. Pods from your refugium can be periodically harvest and fed to your main tank.

Copepods like to hide so they will prefer an environment with nooks and crannies. In your main tank they will hide in your live rock and gravel. In your refugium they will hide in your microalgae and other plants.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Darren Wordley
Telephone: 01633 328 046
Town: Newport
County: Somerset
Web Link: ...
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/03/16 Views: 3621]

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