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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Complete tank set up

Description: Unfortunately, due to lack of space we have a beautiful, complete fish tank set up.

This sale is an absolute bargain, the following set up can be used for either marine or tropical fish, and comes with everything you need, some equipment is still under warranty and comes with the receipts.

1 x 340 l, fish tank (4ft x 2ft x 1.5ft) these ar the measurements of the glass tank only, it sits on a cream base with 2 x cupboards either side, these can house the 2 x filters that are supplied. The stand was originally black, but was painted in cream, in a Crown wood paint. I believe we have a small tin left for touch ups that may be required.

1 x Eheim wet and dry filter

1 x Eheim Proffesional 2 filter, still under warranty, this cost £118,

Both these filters can be seen in the picture of the interior of the cupboards.

1 x cooler with built in heater this is under warranty still and cost £550.

1 x uv steriliser , under warranty that cost £120.

1 x skimmer, the lid of the tank has been adapted slightly as you can see in the picture to take the uv, this is a vital piece of equipmet, this is less than 6 months old, not sure though if I have the receipt for this.

6 x maxi jet power heads of vatious l/h

All the live sand for the base of the tank.

1 x brand new test kit that has been used twice, I can e-mail pictures if needed.

1 x spare external filter

2 x sets of T8 lights 1 is 2 tubes of marine blue 1 is 2 tubes of white.

3 x tubs of specialised fish food and lots of accessories, like cleaners,egg crate, scrapaers, artificial rocks etc. ( we kept all this in the shelves in little wicker baskets as you can see in the pictures.)

I also have as shown in the picture 1 x 90l tank, with it's own internal and external filter, white lights and air pump, this could either be used for it's own fish set up, as we had it for tropical, or as a marine hospital tank which we also used it for. This has had copper meds in though so not reccommended for a sump set up.

This tank really does look beautiful with rock and fish, the pictures do not really do it justice, if you would like to view before you bid you are more than welcome.

If you have any questions, please fire away.

Call 07833681275 for any questions that you may have, but for for all this equipment all I am asking for is £900 ono. but is worth alot alot more.


Contact Information
Advertiser: Nicole Hayward
Telephone: 07833681275
Town: Newbury
County: Berkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/09/07 Views: 2838]

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