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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Juwel Rio 125 - with discus

Description: I have a complete Jewel RIO125 in Beech (including cabinet) fully running system with discus, there are 7 discuss ranging from 2"- 3", these consist of steel blues, blue cobalts and marlboro reds, there is gravel, internal jewel filtratation with built in heater etc, all filter pads and substrates, air driven filter box with peat extract (box of fresh peat will also be included), Juwel difuser (which i bought seperate), lighting.... also included will be a massive peice of bogwood, 10kg when wet, also 2 large rocks (approx 15kg of weight) also lots of live plants which are thriving at the minute...

This set up is 9 weeks old,so as u can imagine this tank is immaculate condition, if u was to buy this new with everything in, your looking at well over £350, the tank alone cost me £200 brand new, the discuss are worth in the region of £5-7 each considering there size... plus rocks and bogwood....

I'm looking for around £220 ono, check your local aquatics shops for prices and compare, this is a bargain! may consider a straight swap for a 4ft-5ft empty system (must be in beech with stand), I think the picture says it all...

You can call me on 07842053054 anytime or email me and i will get back to you in between the hours of 9am - 5pm mon-fri...

Forgot, there is also a 3" britlenose plec and 3" Hoplo catfish in this set up which i will throw in!

Thanks for looking!

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ryan Roddis
Telephone: 07842053054
Town: Rotherham
County: Souh Yorks

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/10/06 Views: 2724]

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