Complete tropical fish house used for breeding malawi cichlids.
18 - 18 x 12 inch fish tanks in 3 wooden racks
2 - 48 x 16 inch fish tanks with stand and lights
1 - 48 x 18 inch fish tank with stand and light
1 - 30 x 16 inch fish tank with light
2 - 24 x 12 inch fish tanks with stand and lights
1 - 64 x 24 x 24 inch fish tank with lights and includes 40 young fish worth around £200 and external filter
21 heaters of various sizes
2 - Interpet AV2 Air pumps
1 - Interpet AV4 Air pump
1 - DLAGdon Air pump with is currently running all 18 small tanks
1 - External Interpet filter
2 - Fluval 3+ Internal filters
1 - Fluval 4 Internal Filter
1 - Fluval 3 Internal filter
2 - Fluval 204 External filters
15 - Undergravel filters
50 KG Coral Rock
50 KG Assorted rock, inc lava rock, wood, slate etc
Coral sand in some tanks and gravel in others.
Plus some extras inc food, chemicals etc
Work commitments force sale
Buy all of the above for £900
Contact Information Advertiser: David Messenger Town: Tring
County: Hertfordshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:29/05/06 Views: 2560]