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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Full set up Marine reef system with sump andall livestock 5ft

Description: Hi there, for sale is my much loved reef marine system which I have owned for about 6 years, so fully mature.
The tank and stand is the five foot long, oak tank from Maidenhead aquatics which cost over £1200 on its own. It gas a weir and a three stage sump in the bottom with plenty of space either side for sundries.
Included in the sale us all the livestock, including three clowns, a large regal tang, a two foot snowflake eel which feeds from your hand, six stripe wrasse and other fish, all the rocks along with some ceramic platform from Maidengead aquatics which again was over £100.
The lighting system is TMC which includes two tiles, five strips and another stipe in the sump. Most of them run on the TMC 8 way controller with lightening function.
Protein skimmer is new, bubble Magnus, but I gave forgotten which model, I think g8?
Many circulation pumps, cleaning stuff etc.
Stand along ehiem external filter, top up device, loads of chemicals, test kits, sundries, the whole nine yards. This is my complete hobby which I have enjoyed for over 20 years, so quite a bit.
This is very heavy and will require two very strong people to move it but I would recommend four.
I can help disassemble and carry but at new owners risk and payments needs to be made before deconstruction.
I gave about 6 barrels but you will need more and probably another tank for stepping stone type logistics?
Corals inconclude many soft and guard and everything is healthy and growing. In fact most of them need fragging!
Priced to sell, £1200 Ono happy to discuss with a motivated buyer. Based near High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire

Contact Information
Advertiser: Marc
Telephone: 07717891727
Town: High Wycombe
County: Buckinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:20/08/17 Views: 1610]

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