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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment


Description: Hi all.
I am having a Spring clean of some of my fish stuff, and have the following for sale;

All my tanks now sold, but still have some lids/ hoods, as follows;

36 inch by 12 inch home made wooden hood, painted black outside, white inside - watermarked & dried algae on inside, no light or balast. £4
30 inch by 12 inch metal brown hinged lid - no light or balast. £5
80cm by 30cm Jewel black plastic lid with balast and light. £10
24 inch by 12 inch plack metal hinged lid, balast ok (can prove it works), but no tube. £8
24 inch by 12 inch silver metal hinged lid, balast and light present, but not sure if work, old and no plug (sold as seen). £5.

You are welcome to pop over to check out in evenings (after about 6pm), collection prefered, but for an agreed fee, I can deliver.
Please text or email me, and I will get back to you ASAP.


Contact Information
Advertiser: Karl Astley
Telephone: 07903 744434
Town: Blackburn
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:14/04/13 Views: 1976]

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