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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Gear for sale

Description: 1 285g tank 9' x 2’ x 2.6” x 12mm, large sump, £450 will split.

250k Fiji mature live rock, £6K.

5 x 4' fish stock bays with 4 levels, £300 each or £350 per single with lighting, filtration and maxi jet power heads. (pic on left)

2x 4' twin metal halide + t5s, 5 x 6 unit 4' ballast fluorescent units, £300 pair.(pic on left)

4 x 6 way 4' ballast units, T8, 15" square x 2.5" thick, very neat, £50 each.

Many Ehime 1260 pumps, £30 each.

Maxi jet ‘new stream 3000s’ £25 each.

Sharp till, XE_A201 £175.

200gal water container £30, + 3 x 50 Gal £5 each.

2 x R/O twin units, £40 each.

IKS Midi with Temp and PH probes + two 4 way plug bars.

Industrial storage racks,

Chrome wall mounted adjustable mesh shelving system.

Call: 07961-841384



Call: 07961-841384

Contact Information
Advertiser: Keith@Southwark
Telephone: 02075644252
Town: London
County: London
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:23/10/05 Views: 2993]

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