Reluctant sale to make way for an expanding family
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400 litre Marine fishtank set up very healthy 5 years old
Tank is a juwel 400 litre fishtank 5ft long, 2 ft deep 20 inches wide
Cabnet stand
Deltec Protein skimmer
2 heaters
T5 Lights
5 Power heads
2 25 litre barrals for water
assorted books
Over 30 kilos Live rock prob nearer 50 kilos
Mushroom Rock , Lots pulse corals , Green buttons, Gorganon
1 Regal Tang 4-5 inch
1 Clown fish
1 Green rasse
1 Pyjama Cardinal
1 watchman goby
3 Damsels
2 Brittle Starfish
1 Blue starfish
1 Cleaner shrimp
Cost £999.99 ONO please call Kevin on 07504117970
Viewing available
Collection in person purchaser will need 3 people to move tank (its very heavy ) and bags etc for fish and corals containers for water if been kept
Contact Information Advertiser: Kevin Boulter Telephone: 07504117970
Town: Watford
County: Hertfordshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:06/10/12 Views: 1690]