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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  6ft Beech Effect Bow Front Fish Tank for Sale - £600 ONO

Description: This 6ft 600l Aquarium has been my pride and joy for many years now,but due to other commitments and hobbies the time has come for this stunning aquarium to nestle into the wall of a new home. I am offering a fully complete and setup aquarium with an additional plant feeding and CO2 regulating system. All in this setup new would cost £2500+, therefore £700 is an absolute steal!!

The following equipment is included with the Tank,

6ft Beech effect AquaOne Bow Front tank with matching Double Cupboard and shelf stand,
DUOMAT 1200 Comfort Dual Temperature Control,
which controls 150w undergravel heater and two 300w water heaters,
2x Aquaone CF1200 Canister Filters complete with Media(includes K1),
2l CO2 canister with safety bar and hook,
Dual pressure and capacity gauge,
Electronic solanoid gas regulator,
Bubble Counter,
1 Undergravel heater transformer,
1 vecton UV15 UV light,
2x 58w light transformers,
2x 4light transformers(built into lid,)
2x 58w Actinic Blue night Bulbs,
4x 25w Tropical Plant light bulbs,
2x 25w Amazon Sunlight Bulbs,
2x 25w Amazon Colour enhancer bulbs,
1x CO2 dispenser,
2x 3ft canister spray bars,
100kg fine sand colour gravel,
100litres of Deponit (Aquatic Compost),
1x bottle TR7 Tropic,
1x bottle S7 Vitamix,
1x V30 Complete,
1x E15 Iron tablets,
1x kh/gh hardness tester,
1x 6"x8" blue net,
6x 24 hour timer switches,
2X 4socket gangs,
Large collection of plants


Contact Information
Advertiser: Dean Cordwell
Telephone: 07713568855
Town: Thirsk
County: North Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/10/11 Views: 2261]

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