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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  jewel trigon 190 corner aquarium FULL SET UP

Description: hi i am selling my jewel trigon 190 in excelent condition, it comes as a full set up with cabinet with two doors and shelves for storage in beech wood the tank fits in to corner and has a bow front. It also comes with about £400+ worth of malawi chiclid fish including 1 large parrot fish, talking striped cat fish and synodontis cat fish & a large honeycomb plec. Also it comes with £150 worth of imitation coral and around 50 kilos of ocean rock and fully cleaned coral sand. It has a brand new light unit with new bulbs also a moonlight internal bulb for night time. It has a brand new fluval 4 internal filter fully treated with cycle an air bubble blower and new thermostat. The fish are all very heathy and feeding well on flake and frozen garlic shrimp it is a lovely looking tank and a great vocal point for any home please just email any questions £400 ONO


Contact Information
Advertiser: chris whelan
Telephone: 07576209935
Town: warrington
County: Cheshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/04/11 Views: 1726]

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