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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Juwel Rio Marine Setup

Description: For sale is my Juwel Rio 180 Marine setup.

For pics:

In it are:

Approx 22kg of live rock
Live sand
Various soft corals including a huge Toadstool and loads of mushrooms
Banana Wrasse
Pair of Common Clowns
Bicolour Blenny
2 Cleaner Shrimps
Brittle Star Fish
Few 2 -3 Turbo snails


Deltec MCE300 Skimmer
3 x different power heads turning the water over around 20 – 25 times the volume
Eheim Professional 2224 external filter, which houses Rowaphos and activated carbon

The light unit is an overtank luminaire which has had the workings stripped out due to them not working. I have installed inside it 2 x Hagen GLO T5HO units with 2 x 39W T5 lamps each (2 x white, 2 x Actinics)

The tank is in excellent condition but does have some small scratches inside, and the cabinet is in excellent condtition.

I also have a Hagen Master Test Kit with plenty of stock left in it:

I also have:

RO Filter, 3 stages
4 x 25 litre drums
Glass cleaners
Fry tank for in the main tank

And, I will throw in a small 2ft tank which can be used as a hospital tank, with heater and filter.

In total to buy all of this separate you would need to spend in the region of £1000, including the tank.

I a not interested in splitting the items, at this moment, and would like it to go as one whole system, its ideal for someone starting out or someone who fancies a smaller tank maybe.

Please feel free to ask any questions.

£500 ono

Located in Blackpool, FY2 0WS.

Good Luck!

Contact Information
Advertiser: Stephen Bates
Telephone: 07846665192
Town: Blackpool
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/07/10 Views: 1856]

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