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Home :: Cichlids General

  2x Kribensis / Kribs on offer. Possible adult pair £4.

Description: In relunctantly moving on kribs, ive had this pair for a good few month quite peacefully with him (about 3.5 inches) chasing her (about 2 incheS) all over the tank, eventually she relented and appeared to pair off, picking a cave in the middle of the tank, unfortunatley the tanks quite busy so was never gona happen, and he got a bit too aggressive towards some of the smaller tankmates, so ive now isolated them in a smaller tank but no matter how much she's flirting with him, it looks like he's in a right huff and no longer interested, chasing her away instead. Most likely their own tank is just too small for him to feel in the mood! So since they cant seem to find a place in my tanks im reluctantly letting them go, see if anyone else can have more luck with them. please email me for more details on

Really colourful pair when on form, but cant catch them for a photo.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Mark Nanson
Town: Sunderland
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:22/07/10 Views: 1543]

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