SOLD SOLD SOLD1 x Azul £50 1 x Orino' £50 1 x Mono' £40. Nice bright healthy fish with no defects. Pellet trained and will freely take floating Cichlid Gold and Northfin, sinking Massivore. Mainly on Tilapia, Basa, Raw Prawn, Sprats, Lance fish and Whitebait. All in the 12 inch range, sex unknown. Will take £120 for all 3. Collection only from SO45 area. txt 07880 637123.
These are still available despite being reserved, twice. Serious enquires only please, and make sure you have a tank big enough. Thanks
Contact Information Advertiser: Dave Telephone: 023 80892045
Town: Southampton
County: Hampshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/01/20 Views: 1734]
