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Home :: General Tropical Fish


Description: I am selling my 2 stinkpot turtles, one is a boy and the other a girl, I got them a few months a go as one of my costumers had them in a very small bowl, I felt quite sorry for them but now I feel that I am not able to offer them an ideal environment as I have already 2 fish tanks with fish on it and really feel that they could have a much better life with someone that has more time than me. They are around 3 years old and one measures about 3 to 3,5 inches and the other one is a bit bigger, 4 inches. They look really sweet and need a proper tank set up with space to move around. If you are interested send me an e-mail to

Contact Information
Advertiser: barbara
Telephone: 07886107704
Town: northolt
County: Middlesex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/04/13 Views: 1361]

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