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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Tropical / coldwater fish - London- free delivery

Description: Need to sell the following fish coz of expanding tank, free delivery to a London address:

* 2x pink skirt tetras-1.25"- pink whiteskirt tetras- £4 each
* 2x female platy's- size 1.25"- white with black tail- £4 each
* 2x goldfish - size 2"- coldwater fish- £4 each
* 3x balloon mollies - size 1.25"- bronze/white female, white with lightly orange stripes female and all white female -£4 each
* 2x all black angels- size 2.25" -£15 each
* 4x convict stripy cichlids- size 1.5" cichlid tank- £5 each or £15 for all
* 1x yellow mallawi cichlid with black top fin- cichlid tank- £5
* 1x male dwarf gouramy-size 1.25"- light green/red- £4
* 1x female dwarf gourami- 1"- light bronze/brown- £4

Contact Information
Advertiser: jay
Telephone: 07949598907
Town: London
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/03/12 Views: 1497]

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