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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Free to a good home Rare Electric Catfish app 8 inches long GONE

Description: Electric Catfish (Malapterurus electricus) Although these fish are carnivorous ours only likes catfish pellets even though frozen food is put in the tank each day for other fish

The only reason for the sale is he has just out grown our tank and could do with a larger home, as with most catfish he spends most of the day hiding.

We have had him app 2 years and he's fit and healthy but has gone from app 4" upto roughly 8" now. he's a dwafe version but may keep growing to app 12" so could do with a decent size tank.

They are a very rare fish and i haven't ever seen another since the day i got him.

The body is cylindrical, and wide with a short snout.
Coloration: a grayish brown with black spots on the body that turns to white or cream on the head.
It has pectoral and pelvic fins, but lacks dorsal fins.
The lips of the fish are thick, eyes are small, and nostrils are spread far apart.
Males are thinner than the females.
This fish is in Scunthorpe and would need collecting with your own bag or bucket

Contact Information
Advertiser: darren
Telephone: 07718 489974
County: Lincolnshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/02/12 Views: 1752]

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