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  collony of 8 zebra plecos F0 and F1 with 200L tank and accesories

Description: Hi for sale are my collony of 8 zebra plecos i have had them myself for 18 months and its only that i need the money to buy a flat that i am selling them otherwise i would be keeping them. these are between 2.25" for the smallest 1 the rest are between 2.5" and 3.5". beware of others over estimating the sizes of their fish you can tell by the pictures that they are smaller than advertised. I believe there to be a majority of females due to their looks and also their behaviour. the tendancies of most are to hide under slate rather than take a cave. There was a failed trapping only a couple of months ago. these fish are all big enough to breed and think that it is only a matter of time now before they do. they come with a 200 litre fluval tank and there is an eheim 2028 external canister filter. these cost me over £300 between them. the price for all fish and tank is £1500 and i will not take any offers this price is fair and a lot less than what i paid for the fish alone.
i can email you the pics so you get a better look as i had to crop them down to fit on this site.

Contact Information
Advertiser: lee fletcher
Telephone: 07908841461
Town: lee-on-the-solent
County: Hampshire
Map Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/01/10 Views: 2482]

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