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Home :: Discus

  *****SOLD - Proven Pair of Pigeon Blood Discus - £135.00 ONO- SOLD SOLD

Description: Male: Pigeon Blood - 6.5 Inch
Female: Flower Pigeon Blood - 5.5 Inch

I have had this pair past on to me from family, and have had these for the last 6 months now. For the last few months they have been laying eggs on the filter in my community tank. They have had and raised young before, but since I have had them they have been in my community tank so therefore they cannot at the moment.

My set-up is PH 6.7 and Temp 84F. I feed these Beefheart, Earth Worm, Larvae, Worms, and live Brine Shrimp. I feed these 3 times a day. These Discus have also been wormed [Kosuri Wormer Plus] ready for their new owner.

I would love to keep these and breed them, but I simply do not have the time and can not afford to buy the equipment. It's also not fair for me to keep these in the community tank. They are in great condition and as you can see from the photos perfect Health!

Contact Information
Advertiser: Michael Bannister
Telephone: 07515930536
Town: Nottingham
County: Nottinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/08/08 Views: 2297]

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