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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Marine Fish and Corals

Description: Hi I am selling my whole set up due to an impending house move and pregnancy

I have 3 mating clown fish, one true percula and one is very large, host an elephant ear coral and have laid eggs before

One Jewel Damsel fish

Snow Flake Moray Eel, stunning 10" long and will grow larger

Elephant Ear Coral, large and clowns host it

Leather coral, large blueish colouring

Hammerhead coral, 2 heads and clown fish can host this when larger

Zoa's, greeny orange, lovely
Bunched: £8 Small on live rock: £6

Pulsing Xenia and large striped green mushroom on live rock

Yellow polyp on rock

Polyps covering live rock, lovely looking and stand out nicely

For all corals to buy I'd take £80

Please feel free to contact, photos can be emailed

Contact Information
Advertiser: Louisa geddes
Telephone: 07706861530
Town: Clacton
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:29/07/12 Views: 1717]

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