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Description: Hi have lots of pulsing xenia for sale (cheap).

I have a piece of Grade A live rock (1-2kg)with over 10 frags on, over 250-300 heads in total. (PICTURE 3) ill throw in a piece of red ad green favia at 2-3ich for free also.

I also have a small piece of liverock with 5 smaller frags on but still over 100 heads in total.

I have a piece of live rock (1/4kg)with with 3 frags on and over 50 heads in total. the rock also has 3 red muchrooms on.

I have a loads more frags let me know what your after and ill try sort you out the best i can.
Regards scott

Contact Information
Advertiser: scott
Telephone: 00000000000
Town: Leicester
County: Leicestershire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/10/11 Views: 2037]

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