I have a breeding group of melonochromis interruptus for sale,these hard to find mbuna are now officially vulnerable in the wild and can be hard to come by. There is 1 male, 5 females and 2 unsexed young. One of the females has some damage to one of her eyes but this does not seem to cause her any problems. I am also including a female sprengerae who lost her breeding partner a couple of months ago.
Selling due to closing down my breeding tanks.
Due to the amount of offers I have received I have decided to drop the price for a quick sale as the tanks need to be closed down.
Collection with cash only from Todmorden OL14
£20.00 no offers
Please collect with the correct amount of money.
Contact Information Advertiser: Marilyn Telephone: 01706818659
Town: Todmorden
County: Lancashire
Map Link: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Todm ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:31/08/15 Views: 1828]